Claiming What's Mine

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Chapter Eight - Claiming What's Mine


Helios P.O.V

Out of the darkness i could hear a voice,

"are you OK Helios "

Jet asked, concern in her voice

i focused on it and opened my eyes to a gorgeous pair of dark eyes.

"Its you"

i smiled at my angel, god she was beautiful.

I reached my hand up and cupped her face, i shivered, instantly her life force flowed through my hands, showing me her life and her twin sister. This was not my angel it was her twin sister Jet.


i jumped up with a frown on my face. If Jet was here where was Stellar,

STELLAR... was her name, it was as sweet as her. Stellar is an adjective referring to one or more stars. Also a slang word for very good or Awesome. That she was. She was my Awesome star.

Thanks to the connection with the sister i knew alot about her now. I looked over her shoulder, my angel was lip locked with a guy, not just any guy, But that tosser Selenic.


i venomously spat out of my mouth. Saying his name made my insides boil and seeing him touch my star made me sick to my stomach.

"What time is it Orion?"

i asked, knowing we didn't have much strong daylight left. when its in between , we can both be out. meaning when the suns a few hours from sunset and sunrise both the moon and sun people can be out. Hence the reason dickwod was here.

"Its time to go your Highness, we only have 5 minutes to go"

he replied.

" I've got to do it now, She's my twin flame and she's with him"

i said pointing over to them. I didn't wait for a reply i took off in their direction.

"Stellar "

i heard her sister yell out from behind me.

It didn't take me long to reach them, i did try very hard to maintain human speed.

" Take your hands off her "

i yelled angrily at Selenic grabbing him by the arm, pulling him around so i could punch him in his ugly fucken face. my fist landed right on his jaw with a loud thud.

God that felt so good. i smirked

I could see the tint of red coloring my vision. i needed to stay in control so i didn't scare Stellar. Taking a deep breath i looked at Stellar. She was in utter shock, her face was pale and her mouth was wide open.

i had caused her pain, Selenic was gonna pay for this. i turned to face him with my girl behind me, blocking her from him.

" Don't EVER Fucken touch her again, do you understand. i will make your life a living hell! You DICK!"

i stared into his eyes making sure he understood. i felt the warmth radiating up my chest and knew i was close to losing control.


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