Of Love and Marriage | SEQUEL

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Hey everyone,

I never planned a sequel to 'Of Quidditch and Paperwork' as I was originally writing it, but the story kept extrapolating in my mind that I knew I had to continue.

Just be aware that there is a bit of jumping around in time in this story.

For the most part everything is linear. The scenes set in 2001 are technically flashbacks and everything in 2002 (besides the first scene which is a day after the main 2002 event) are current.

I hope that makes sense haha.

If you like this story let me know and I'll write more like this. I'm really enjoying writing one-shots right now. It's a good way to get out of my writer's block, haha.

This also took a ridiculously long time to write and ended up over three times longer then expected at over 9,000 words! So, I would really REALLY appreciate any feedback you may have about it.

Enjoy! X


Of Love and Marriage

Of Love and Marriage SNAMIONE | One-Shot

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All Right Belong to J. K. Rowling


Hogwarts Castle, Scottish Highlands.
Monday, January 28th, 2002

Wedding Bells for Hogwarts finest?
By Rita Skeeter.

Did Hogwarts recently ring in wedding bells without the public's knowledge?
Last night, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were seen out on a - supposed - double date with none other than Hermione Granger and Severus Snape.
But according to eyewitnesses, some of those names may have legally changed.

Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, who confirmed just last month that they would be taking on the name Black once they were officially married, arrived at the grand opening of *' Gustum Amoris' - owned and run by their mutual friend, Pansy Parkinson - with what looked to be matching wedding bands on their ring fingers.
And if that wasn't enough, Miss Granger - who had minds reeling a few weeks ago when she was spotted wearing a new ring on that finger - appeared to also be sporting a wedding band which matched the one now worn by her rumored beau, Hogwarts Headmaster, Severus Snape.

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