"Of course I do! But I can't loose you, Mon! Not again!" Iris snapped but Mon intensely stared at her.

"What does that mean?" He asked softly.

"It means...I...I care about you," Iris hesitantly said but Mon scoffed.

"Cut the bullshit, Iris," Mon said and Iris eyed him in shock. "You cannot pretend there is nothing here, between us both. You know how I've felt for you, for years! Years! And you still pushed me away, and your feelings away, because you are scared."

"Well- you- You can't be giving me a hard time when you went out with Caitlin before Zoom took you-" Iris began.

"Because you clearly weren't into me and she was there for me, and I was for her, and it just happened. I was trying to get over you!" Mon exclaimed.

"That's not true Mon," Iris said.

"So what? You were into me or you weren't? Because I cannot tell with you anymore," Mon said but Iris hesitated, again. "I'm not dealing with this. I'm gonna go save your best friend."

He then started to walk towards the elevators but Iris followed him. "Mon. Please don't do this. I don't-" Iris started before she took his hand. "I need you."

He looked at her with a stern expression. "I wanted to apologize," Mon started. "Back there for being a jerk for wanting to save Kara."

"Good," Iris said but Mon gave her a look.

"I said I wanted to. And then I realized, I'm not sorry," Mon said.

"So you would rather die, slaughtered by Zoom, to save Kara, than stay here, safe, and you expect me to be okay with this?" Iris asked.

"I never said you were going to be okay with it. All I said was that I'm not sorry. But you know what I actually am? Selfish. Because I just want you all to myself, and it makes me do dumb decisions that hurt you. Yes, I'm going to go to CCPD, to save Kara, possibly die, possibly not die. But I'd rather die right now than spend a handful of years watching you and Barry, broken and shattered because I did nothing to try and save her, when I knew I could. I'd rather die right now if it could make you have endless joy and happiness, knowing in the end how happy you were, because that's who I am, Iris, and I'm not gonna change. And there's so apology in the whole universe that could make up for it. And maybe...maybe this just proves that we are not good. That I'm bad for you, because all I do is risk my life, so yours is happy without me," Mon exclaimed before he pulled his hand from Iris's grip as she stared at him, tear eyed.

Then after a long moment, Iris deeply sighed. "Okay, then I'm not sorry either," Iris said and Mon looked at her sternly. "I'm not sorry that we met. I'm not sorry that knowing you has made everything in my life questionable. I'm not sorry that you are probably the best thing that ever has ever happened to me. You've made me see another side of things, things I never even thought of. I've treated you horrible, because you're right, I'm scared. I'm scared that if I let go, you'll just die, like everyone else. But out of all the things I'm scared to say, this will probably be the scariest, but I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you!" Iris and Mon both eyed each other, surprised that those words just spilled out of Iris's mouth. "I love you, Mon-El. I love you-"

"Just shut up," Mon said before he pulled her close and kissed her passionately, Iris doing the same.

After their heated moment, they tore apart and leaned their foreheads against each other, with big smiles. Mon cupped her face as she looked deep into his eyes. "Just come back to me," she said and he nodded.

"I will. I promise," he said before he kissed her again.


I Need You » SuperFlash {3} | √Where stories live. Discover now