Chapter 3

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He was discharged the day later as his body healed easily with some doctor's quirk. Walking into his house, Deku almost screamed as he saw All Might in his deflated self, sat at the dining table.

"All Might?!"

Inko and Bakugou were also there and the two didn't seem surprised as the four of them then all sat down. Deku knew this was going to be a talk.

As he thought, the conversation started with All Might apologizing for what he said and Deku could almost laugh as Inko gave the skeleton man a death glare.

Mom must've given him a talk too.

The conversation then went to how Bakugou full out interrogated All Might. Even if the ash-blonde hardly knew Deku well, the fundamental fact that the greenette had waked past All Might with a death glare, was just wrong.

Bakugou looked a little pleased with himself when All Might said that, when the topic of the conversation changed. The skeleton man explained how he had told Bakugou what he said to Deku only a few minutes before that meeting and the blonde could feel something really bad happening.

"So you're telling me that my son Izuku, got bullied, ignored by the teachers, caught in a villain hostage situation, rejected by the number one hero, left on a rooftop alone, and then got yelled at for trying to help Katsuki when he saw another hostage situation? All within an hour?"

Bakugou nodded and All Might agreed as Inko took in the information.

"So then you're saying that you felt something wrong because Izuku ignored All Might, is that right Katsuki?" Inko asked and the blonde nodded.

"The fanboy just ignored his idol and then called me by my name, it was... Just so wrong..."

He then looked at the floor as Inko processed the rest of the story.

"That was when you both came to meet me outside the house right?"

Bakugou had spoken to All Might and their talk lead to them both running for Deku's house. They had met Inko at the doorstep as the woman finished shopping and Bakugou quickly greeted her before asking to be let inside Deku's room. The blonde had ran straight there as Inko dealt with a suddenly deflated All Might but before the two could say anything, Bakugou had started screaming.

Apparently, the only reason they were able to save Deku was that All Might had then pushed past his limits to carry all three of them directly to the hospital. It was with his overwhelming presence that the hospital immediately took the greenette into emergency care.

"Thank you All Might." Deku thanked but the hero could only shake his head.

"No Young man. I was one of the factors that almost lead to your death. I shouldn't be thanked for my actions."

He then got up and Deku didn't know what to do as the hero then knelt to the floor. He was apologizing.

"I know what I did was wrong and what I'm going to do might seem to be an attempt to cover my mistake. I will say now that what I'm doing is not a cover-up because I believe, when you ran headfirst into danger to save young Bakugou, I truly believed you were a hero."

Deku felt his tears swelling again at the words as All Might kept kneeling.

"So that was why I came to find you again afterward because I wanted to ask if you would be my successor."

There was silence as Deku didn't know how to answer.

He looked at Bakugou, expecting a rampage but it never came. The blonde was looking at the floor as if he already knew and the greenette turned to look at Inko. She also seemed like she knew and Deku realized it was really happening.

"But I'm quirkless... And suicidal... I have so many bad qualities like underage drinking and smoking... Why... would you pick me?"

The hero then smiled as he lifted his head off the floor.

"Because even so, you ran out there to save him didn't you?"

Bakugou nodded as he roughly spoke.

"It's been your fuc- Sorry auntie... It's been your dream since forever... Just like All Might said, quirkless or not... You still were the only one who... Helped when the villain was suffocating me..."

He lifted a hand as if to wipe an invisible stain off his face.

"I... couldn't move at all... as the villain tried to take over my body and the pros... they did nothing... Deku... You."

Bakugou paused as he looked up finally right at Deku.

"Suicidal or not, it doesn't deny the fact that you, out that all... helped me...."

It was too much for Deku as he shook his head.

"But that's the problem! I didn't go out there for any heroic reason... I just..."

Deku's hand unconsciously grabbed the hem of his hoodie as the greenette looked down.

"I just thought that Kacchan is definitely going to be someone amazing... When you grow up, there's no doubt that you would be one of the best and your life!"

He smiled meekly as if to emphasize what he wanted to say.

"Your life was just... So bright! And when I saw the sludge villain about to take it from you... I guess... My body just moved in it's own..."

"Young Midoriya that's called kindness." All Might gently inputted but Deku shook his head again.

"But that's where you're wrong! I'm not kind! I just wanted Kacchan to survive! I just..."

Deku started to cry again as he felt the three people in front of him trying to put a small ray of light in his world.

"Young Midoriya, I am not forcing you by any means to be my successor. I just wanted you to know that you are not what the other pro heroes said. If it wasn't for your actions, Young Bakugou could've been lost."

Within this world that seemed so dull and lifeless, Deku's eyes swelled from relief as his mind started to piece things together.

"Please give me the opportunity to show you that you are worth it Young Midoriya."

There was silence as Deku came to a conclusion that could change his life. He turned to All Might with the widest smile he could pull off at that moment and the hero smiled back.

"Then... if you truly think I'm good enough. I'll accept the offer."

He wanted to be the only person within this desolate world and if being a hero who saves others with a smile is what it takes so that no one else would feel what he feels, then a hero he would be.

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