Chapter 1

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The grey sky darkened as Deku tried to pick his limp body off the ground.

The sound of passing cars and chattering people rushing home to avoid the rain, was nothing more than white noise. This was just Deku's daily life with bad weather.

Ignoring the fact he had burn marks all over, there were fresh bruises from the bully with oversized hands, scratches made from the edges of wings, and shoe prints all over his clothes. The boy was an absolute mess. Deku could hardly feel the pain his bullies provided though and in his honest opinion, it scared him.

As each day passed, the pain only dulled. It was as if his body was physically shutting down and although it meant the abuse was no longer physically hurting, the greenette found himself stuck in a mental hole, suffocatingly alive.

He couldn't breathe. He couldn't speak. He could hear. He couldn't move. Nothing about his body seemed to function the way he wanted as he pulled his dull yellow rucksack onto his shoulders, before heading home in the rain.


Inko was no longer surprised at the child coming home late. Her son refused to speak to her even if he was covered in mud. Instead, she just happily smiled and made dinner hoping it was enough to cheer him up.

"How was your day Izuku? I hope classes are going well. There's a student-teacher conference soon right? Aren't you excited?"

The mother tried to help lighten the mood but it only had the opposite effects as the high expectations made Deku want to curl in on himself.

"My day was the same as ever mom!"

He turned to his mother with a bright happy smile that became easier to pull as the days went by. For now, even if he was bleeding out, the boy could pull a picture perfect look. Shaking a few droplets out his hair, Izuku quickly excused himself.

"Classes are fine, and the conference is in two days. I'm going to have a shower now."

He ran up the stairs before any more questions were asked before tearing his tattered clothes off and headed for a shower. The hot water scalded his skin but the child didn't care as he sat in the bathtub,  listening to the sound of the shower mix with the rain outside. The droplets were making an almost irritatingly loud noise as Deku tried looking up. He couldn't though, as the glare of the white bathroom light made him curl up and tuck his knees into his chest.


The next day had been the usual. He was bullied and punched around but by now, he was used to it. It was to the point that the original hate and sadness towards his bullies had long subsided. He just took everything as it was.

"-a swan dive off the roof of the building."

With his shoulder still smoking, Deku leaned his head back on the wall of his classroom as the teacher once again just sat there and ignored what had happened. His knees were still a little wobbly from being kicked by the boy with wings but the child managed to stagger up as the teacher casually packed his teaching papers away. Completely pretending that the greenette wasn't even there, he walked out.

This is why Kacchan thinks what he's doing is okay. The teachers aren't stopping him nor telling him that he's breaking the law by using his quirk.

Deku sighed as he slugged his yellow backpack over his shoulder. It stung as he could feel the heat from Bakugou's hand still there as he slowly made his way home.

Maybe I should buy another packet of cigarettes? Today was pretty bad... You can't just tell someone to kill themselves. What would he have done if I followed through?

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