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You gaze up at the ceiling in a daze.

'I think I feel better now,' you say. And you do—the pain is there, as it always is, but it's well within your capacity to cope with. Your argument about the endone seems like a faraway memory. Almost like a dream.

He's kneeling between your knees, still hard inside you, though he's slipped out halfway now that he's release your hips. Your thigh remains clamped around his waist.

Gently, he eases your thigh away and withdraws his shaft. His eyes are bright and his hair once again has that poofy look. Gazing at you, he grips his knees. You gaze back at him in disbelief. Once again, you can't believe he is all yours. This beautiful, strangely innocent, wonderful man.

'I'm sorry,' you say, feeling a pang in your chest. 'I'm sorry for being angry.'

He doesn't respond but simply rests his hands back on you and continues with your massage up your right side. All you do is lie there, letting him ease away the last of your pain. His hands are so warm and gentle, and the look on his face suggests that he would do this for hours if he had to.

After a while, you grab his hand and intertwine your fingers. 'Thank you, Hiro. I feel much better now.' You look down at his groin. 'Is that ever going to go down? Or is it going to be a permanent thing?' It's like he hasn't had sex at all. He's still so erect you bet he could have intercourse with you again.

And probably again and again.

He looks down at himself. 'I do not know.'

'Is it usual for ... a-a robot?'

He takes a moment to think. He shakes his head. 'I do not know. That knowledge is absent from my programming.'

You frown. Again, you can't help but pity him. He does so much for you. He sacrifices so much without complaint. Surely, there's some way you can help him.

You release his hand and sit up. He gets up too and collects your clothes. After he's dressed you, he asks, 'What is your destination?'

'The kitchen.'

He leans over to pick you up.

'No,' you say. 'I want to do it myself.' You nod over at your wardrobe. 'Inside there is my rollator. Bring it to me.'

He does.

'Thank you.' You sit on the edge of the bed and prepare yourself as he aligns it in front of you. A rollator is like a large wheelie walker where you can rest your forearms against its arms for more stability. It's been a long time since you've used it, having given up on your attempt at walking when your mother got the wheelchair. You don't know why you've suddenly decided to use it again. It's almost as though something has breathed new life into you—Hiro, and his miraculous hands and wonderful body and perfect mechanical brain.

Your heart gives a little flip as you look up at him. Who would have thought a so-called mindless robot could cause such change?

Taking a breath, you rest your twisted foot on the floor and take an awkward step. It doesn't feel as bad as you dreaded. His massage and ... uh .... other methods seemed to have helped ease the strain.

'Come on, Hiro,' you say as he follows slowly in your wake. 'Let's fix you up.'

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