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To say he's changing is an understatement. He's changing so much and so rapidly it startles you. He almost seems like a real person.

You roll onto your side as he rolls onto his so you can look at each other. He looks so glorious in the sunlight with his gleaming eyes and skin, his lean body and silken dark hair. You almost feel like you're gazing at a picture in some sexy magazine. And again, it's hard to fathom that this is all actually happening to you. It's hard to believe your life can become so different in such a short time. You feel like a completely different person from only two days ago.

He moves in closer as you reach over to touch him, smoothing your hand over the curve of his hip, then his muscular arse, before smoothing it further up his side where you rest it upon his big shoulder. You can't get over the size of his biceps. They make your mouth water.

He watches you with his eyes heavily hooded as you trace the tip of your finger along a thick, twisting vein in his forearm.

'You are thinking,' he says.

You smile. 'I'm thinking about what we're going to do for the rest of the day.'

The corner of his mouth lifts as you run your hand down his abdomen towards his groin. Gently, you grip him. He's warm and still semi-erect and sticky with your mucus. You run your fingers along its length before dropping your hand to his balls and giving them a gentle squeeze.

You suddenly remember last night when you masturbated him. He orgasmed, you felt him in throb in your hand and saw it in the expression on his face, but there was no semen. He was completely dry. Is it the same today?

You run your hand along his penis again, then lift your hand to your face to smell it. Definitely no semen, only your stuff. A strange thing. You just assumed everything would be normal once you downloaded the program. Or perhaps it's normal for him. Perhaps androids aren't meant to ejaculate?

'You don't ejaculate when you come?' you say.


'Is that normal?'

'It is if you want it to be.'

You narrow your eyes. 'You mean you could ejaculate?'

Looking down at his crotch, he massages his balls. 'The two pouches in my testicles are empty.'

'But you can fill them?'

He nods. 'With anything you want.'

You raise your eyebrows. 'Anything I want? What do you mean? You mean I could fill them with juice or alcohol or ... or melted chocolate? Anything?'

He nods again.

You grin. 'That is so cool!'

After kissing and hugging for a little while longer, you both leave the bed to have a shower. Usually, you sit in your shower chair, with your twisted leg stuck out at an awkward angle as you use the hose.

Not this morning. After removing the chair, Hiro helps you inside, holding you up as he encourages you to walk. 'Use both your legs,' he says.

'It's too hard, Hiro.'

'If you cannot do it, then you must use the chair and shower alone.'

You scowl at him but do your best, gripping his arms hard as you struggle. You want him in the shower with you. You want him naked with you.

You want him with you always.

Biting you lip, you manage it, though you've aggravated your sciatica to the point where it brings tears to your eyes. The shower is already running and you try your best to conceal your crying amid the pouring water.

Not that it fools Hiro.

Clasping you to him, he holds you close as the water pours on top of you. It pounds against your head and shoulders, the noise of it helping to muffle your sobs. You rest your head against his chest as he soaps you down, his big broad hands warm and gentle against your skin. Next, he washes your hair, dragging his fingers gently against your scalp. As he does that, you crane your head back to keep the soap out of your eyes and gaze up at him. The water has plastered his silken hair to his head. It drips off the end of his nose. Beads of it cling to his long eyelashes. His eyes—they're so soft, so gentle looking, as he focuses intently on what he's doing. He truly looks like he's enjoying himself. More tears well in your eyes, but these ones are different.

The good kind.

After he's finished with your hair, he reaches between your legs. You could easily do it yourself, of course—you're not that incapable—but why would you? It tickles and you snort with laughter. Sagging against him, you wrap your arm around his neck.

Next is his turn.

'I do not need to wash,' he says.

'You might not sweat or stink yourself but you have me all over you, remember?'

He looks down at his groin. 'That is true.'

It's a little scary relying on him to hold you up as you bathe him with your one good arm, his left hand clasping the back of your neck as he steadies you with a strong grip on your hip. But you soon get used to it. You quickly learn to trust that he will not let you fall.

You can't help but grin as you run your soapy hand along his shaft. It grows beneath your touch and you're all too happy to encourage it, running your hand up and down it until he's thick and hard in your grasp. He doesn't say anything, merely lets you do what you want with a small smile on his lips.

Next, you soap up his balls, which only stimulates him further. You explore him carefully, trying to think how different they might feel once they're loaded up with some interesting contents.

For the first time in a long time, you can't wait to see what the rest of the day will bring.

'I think that's it,' you finally say, letting him go. 'All clean now.'

His smile broadens. Snorting with laughter, you bury your head into his chest.

Afterwards, he guides you back to your bed where he helps you dry off and dress into some clothes. Then he goes to collect his own clothes from the floor.

'Wait,' you say before he puts them on. 'I was thinking ... do you need to wear them?' He raises his eyebrows at you. 'I mean, Mum's not home and I wouldn't mind.'

He stares at you, and you wonder whether he might actually refuse. 'Inadvisable' springs to mind. You soon find you don't need to worry.

Folding his clothes up, he rests them neatly on your bed.

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