04 | Monachopsis: IV

Start from the beginning

     When it lifted me up to hold me, I stopped struggling for a second to notice that we were in the middle of a field. My mouth opened in panicked surprise when I realized I was far from home, and I began fighting harder. It shrieked in struggle, trying to maintain me in its arms.

     The hog began swerving out of control, and it bumped into another hog beside it. I noticed Colin being carried by the monster on that hog. "Colin!" I yelled, kicking out of control. "Colin!" I tried again, pressing my upper body towards his direction.

     The monster holding him complained, giving out it's shrilling croaks and it pulled out a club. He swung it back while he stared at me, perhaps to prepare to aim at me.

     I gasped, struggling I forced my right arm out of the monsters grip, swinging my elbow back into its face. It yelled in pain, letting me go the minute it grabbed its own face. I dropped down onto the earth with a big thump, rolling due to the speed the hogs were going.

     I grunted as multiple rocks hit against my arms and thighs, leaving me scratched up before finally halting the rolling on my stomach. I grimaced, lifting myself with my arms.

     The monsters made a stop while the one who was holding me turned back on his hog and rode straight for me. My eyes widened, and I picked myself up completely before limping off, trying to go as fast as I could. I huffed, breathing rapidly while I held my hand on my waist in which it hurt immensely.

     I heard it catching up to me, the trotting getting closer and closer behind me. I forced myself to run quicker, my eyes tearing up yet again, in fear and in pain.

     As soon as I was about to give up, an explosion behind me sent me flying forward, causing me to fall on my face. "Aghkk!" I grunted in pain, breathing sharply from my crying.

     I lift my torso slightly, summing up the strength I could to ignore the pain I was going through. My vision kept blurring in throbs. I looked behind me with a pained face, but my expression soon turned to disbelief.

     A white light resonated brighter than any light I've ever seen before me, it took the form of a goat. It was white as milk, golden linings flowing from its horns down through its body to its tail; a tail that formed into an odd swirl with spikes. In the center of it's rounded horns was a glowing orb, taking the same colors and golden linings as that of the goats. It's creamy, bright colors reflected off my eyes. I was full of awe.

     It let out a graceful yowl and the orb it held glowed brighter. I looked down from it to the monsters from before, but now they seemed alerted. They made their way off, galloping away. "No!" I yelled, holding my hand out towards them. "COLIN! ILIA!" I let out a throaty cry, feeling desperate. I could not do anything.

     Hastily, the goat hopped to my side, giving out a shriek before filling my senses with numb sensations, my vision of nothing but brightness.


     ༄ I was softly placed on the ground, my back rested against a rock. I looked around, confused and obviously very scared for the events that had happened.

I was safe?

I noticed trees surround me and a fire with a tiny cauldron above it in front of me. Before I could observe some more I hissed in pain, squinting while placing my left hand on the right side of my waist.

     I gently lifted my hand to see blood bleeding through the fabrics of what I wore, it stained my hand. "Ah," I flinched in pain again, lifting my top to expose my waist.

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