15 | Altschmerz: I

667 23 47


Re-experienced Trauma
Sexual Assault

Do you think Soul Dancing's beginning is too long? A simple yes or no will do.

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Just a heads up!
In any Y/N drawings that I might create in the future, she will constantly switch hair length and/or texture and body. Y/N does not have a specific look except for yours. Y/N is you, remember that! The girl(s) in the drawings are only a substitute for the image/scene I want to present.
If at any point or time Y/N starts to feel unlike you for any reason, please pm me!

Thank you for reading!

Published: July 19, 2021
Word Count: 12,284


     ༄ "We need to talk," Link faced up at you. Your confused expression faded.

"I was about to say the same thing."

     "Were you?" Link asked rhetorically, not indicating curiosity and much less expectant of an answer.

     You placed your hands upon your lap, awaiting his words to come. But he wouldn't speak up, unreasonable for someone who insists on having a word.

     "Was it a clever idea to keep the intruder alive?" You took the chance to ask a question of your own. His gaze fixed on you in a confused manner. You reformed your question's purport, "he could lie to her Majesty's guards, pinning the intrusion on us."

"No," Link falsified your speculation.

"No?" You inquired about his inexplicable debate.

"No," he confirmed, "a man and a woman were checked in for that room. The clerk and maid are witnesses to that fact. There are feminine accessories in the room. You and I acted in self defense and fled for our safety."

A stumped expression consumed you.

Since when is Link this. . .intelligent sounding?

He's always been intelligent—but you've never got a real peek at his thought process until the events of today. Is he always this practical?

"Okay, so we fled for our safety," you gave a face of disconcertment, "but it's not justifiable enough when we could've waited for them to show, otherwise we seem suspicious."

"That's the other half," he quickly answered, "her Majesty isn't exactly running the show right now. Imperial guards are just doing what they can to keep a system—there's not much they can really do to investigate and they're short staffed."

You appeared concerned, a hand traveling to your mouth, "her—. . .her Majesty, what do you mean she's not in control?"

Link sighed, scooting the stool nearer and taking ahold of your hand comfortingly, "listen Y/N. I. . .haven't really said anything to not worry you, but the reason I'm gone often is because I'm. . ." His words faltered in difficulty as his gaze dropped.

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