16 | Altschmerz: II

453 10 21


I'd just like to announce that most my drawings are 100% inspired by (manta artist). Some are even recreated scenes from their comic.


"You'd never hurt me? Ahaha. . ."

Huff. . .huff. . .huff. . .

     Deep within the forests of Faron, he ran as fast as his four legs could carry him. Consumed by his beast form, he ran without stop, searching for her specifically. Growling in annoyance, he realized he'd lost sight of her.

     Sliding to a stop, he quietly observed his surroundings while listening for any possible noise that could be her. His ear twitched. Sniffing at the ground, he caught scent of her being.

There you are.

    Stealthily making his way along her trail, he finally spotted her in the midst of grouped trees. He snickered.

Hiding in plain sight?

With a snarl and his teeth bared, he proceeded towards her. He knew that no matter where she ran or how fast she ran, she wouldn't escape him. Exactly as he expected her to, she darted right off away from him.

You ever heard of persistence running, Y/N?

     He'll continue to watch you run. . .and run. . .and run continuously to flee from him. Meanwhile, he'll keep his pace steady without much effort at all. In fact, it feels like he's merely sitting back and watching the show run itself.

     He fixed his sight on you while you ran your sore legs off.

Aren't you tired, Y/N?

     When the prey becomes exhausted, they'll collapse of dehydration, overheating, or mere exhaustion.

     He's not slow, he knows that for a fact. He's allowed you to run this far for the thrill, he knows he could pick up the pace and pounce any second.

For the thrill?

No, no this isn't for the thrill.

What am I doing?

    Faltering in my step, I shook my head distraughtly. With softened eyes, I stared up at her horrified self who ran for dear life. I didn't want to chase her, why was I preying on her?

     Suddenly, a lifted tree root came across her path, causing her to trip hard on her face. She cried out, and her desperate sounds hurt to hear. Whining about, I rubbed my paws over my ears in hopes I wouldn't have to hear her.

     I wanted to help her, but listening to her hopeless whimpers made me into someone I'm not.

Come on, Y/N! You've got to run.

     Viciously, I growled against my will. All my senses were being devoured by the sickening beast inside regardless of my struggle to regain myself.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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