06 | Monachopsis: VI

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Monachopsis n. The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place, as maladapted to your surroundings as a seal on a beach—lumbering, clumsy, easily distracted, huddled in the company of other misfits, unable to recognize the ambient roar of your intended habitat, in which you'd be fluidly, brilliantly, effortlessly at home.

Word Count: 3,735


༄ "You know, it's your fault that we moved here. If it weren't for your pity mother, you'd be a forest child, lost in time forever. Fine by me."


༄ It's been a hundred years. . .that Link disappeared and the children were taken.

Ha. . .at least it felt that way. . .

No, in reality it's only been about 3 full days. Today's the 4th. The village has never been so depressing, neither was sadness so visibly imprinted on those who dwell in Ordon. However, nobody exactly blamed one another. If anything, communication simply decreased.

Yesterday, I had started working for the first day at Fado's ranch. I didn't do anything heavy so that I didn't stress my wound, but Fado didn't really like it. He didn't like seeing me hurt, he said, and he urged me not to come today and that he could handle doing stuff on his own. Of course, I insisted regardless.

Yes, of course I wanted to help. . .but. . .it was more-so the fact I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts all day, "resting".

Staring down at the bucket of goat milk before me while I sat on the stool, I let my sad but yet almost emotionless stare ripple in its faint reflection. You know, I've been sad before, I've felt out of place before. In this very moment, though, I especially felt an out-of-body type of experience. An existential crisis, almost. As if I were disturbing some type of plot. My question never falters, and grows stronger if anything.

What was my purpose in this lifetime?

To make matters worse, my angst grows now with everything that's happened.

A ray of bright sunshine blinded my eye, so I looked up with my hand in the way to find the sun had positioned itself perfectly to fit through a crack in the barn. It was perhaps midday as of right now. I should close in the gates.

Today, I had milked 8 goats. Yes, 8, and it's something to be proud of as yesterday I had only managed 2 during my training. They're gentle creatures, yet very feisty. Last thing to do now is to make sure each goat's gate is locked and distribute the milk each through filters into bottles. Fado himself was stacking up some hay in the back of the barn to later stuff into their feeding troughs after I finish locking them in.

Standing up, I carried the last two buckets of milk up to the rest. Suddenly, I heard a creak behind me. Whipping my head back, I caught the goat pushing through the gate I had just left through.

"Hey!" I yelled, immediately placing the buckets down and turning to go after it, an action I almost instantly regretted as it had startled it into running outside of the barn. "No!" I yelled, gritting my teeth with worry and embarrassment on my face.

"Y/N?" I heard Fado call from the back. I would feel embarrassed to face him right now after losing one of his goats, so I hurried after it.

Exiting the barn, I noticed it hesitated as it slowed its pace after coming across the large gate towards Ordon which was closed. I began to feel confident as adrenaline continued to fill me.

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