11 | Gnossienne: I

767 33 77


Hey y'all, interrupting your reading real quick!
To clear up any misunderstandings, Link has only been gone for 2 weeks. The reason it stated he abandoned you for a year and a half was due to the fact he got DISTANT from you. If you already knew that, good job brain not smooth. That'll be all!

Published: March 12, 2021
Word Count: 14,039


༄ In the glowing moon's light, the wind picked up a pierce of chilliness, and the trees clattered and hissed while bathed in said moon's silk.

You looked up at the trees that passed at high speed above your heads, mentally preparing yourself for the last visuals and smells of Ordon in this moment. The air quality felt magnificent, the oxygen produced by such healthy elderly trees infiltrated your lungs like fresh mint. However, it was time to bid farewell to familiarity.

Your arms were tightly wrapped around Link's waist while you both galloped off on Epona. Besides Epona's strong horse-smell, you could also unavoidably catch a whiff of Link's scents. Although they might've not been as pleasant as they once were, you could definitely make out that distinctive, comforting scent of his.

Once Ordon Spring was passed you could feel your nerves rising in pure adrenaline as you made it to the bridge. It was hard to contain a nervously excited giggle, you couldn't believe you were really going to leave your tiny village that you've known for so long. Despite the happiness to finally leave, you were definitely terrified. You could feel your adrenaline cause your stomach to drop, your body to shake and your teeth to chatter. But Link's warmth and smell aided you in your attempt to calm yourself, reassuring that everything would be fine.

When over the bridge, two close mountain walls began to thin and enclose in a space big enough for Epona to barely fit. Thereafter, the space had expanded again and forests of elevated trees surrounded a wide path. You stared around in wonder, feeling strands of Link's hair tickle your face while your own hair flew behind you. Say, you remember limping your way here with help of Coro, although you weren't exactly in the position to gawk around back then.

Perhaps you might've been staring off too long, a sudden jolt frightened you and you let out a sharp gasp when you felt Epona leap. You held onto Link tightly to gain control of your balance, but you realized holding on too tightly was a mistake. Again, Epona's impact back on ground bucked up against your pelvis, only this time you let out a cry of dismay.

Link whipped his head back towards you as much as he could, feeling incredibly guilty for not giving you a warning. He slowed Epona to a trot so he could bring his focus to you, "Y/N, I'm sorry—"

You took the chance to close your thighs a bit in discomfort since Epona had now slowed down. Link's own outer thighs, however, would only allow you to close your legs so far. Before Link could suggest anything, you reassured him, "I'm fine—keep going."

From his side profile you could see his brows press together before he turned forward again, "let me show you something." You gave him a confused look, obviously of which he couldn't see.

"Next time I warn you about a jump, as soon as Epona leaves ground, hold onto me but don't plant yourself against her," he explained, "well, it's harder for you since you can't use the stirrup, but try using your knees and inner thigh muscles to catch yourself on her impact." You lifted a brow, damn he sure knew what he was talking about. You looked behind you to see Epona had jumped over a gate between two mounds of earth.

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