Chapter Eleven; Adrianna.

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Life is precious. One day we might lose in a blink of an eye. Love now, smile, and care now.

"What? Which hospital is she in?"

"She is Belleview Memorial" The nurse answers. Dad hangs up and looked at Aiden with a worried look.

"Dad, what's wrong? who was that?"

"The hospital"

"What did they want?"

"They said that Adrianna is there. She was just brought it"

I didn't even want to hear what dad was telling. I walked out of the house but stopped by mum, who was on her way to see dad.

"What's going on son? Why are you rushing? Is everything okay?"

"Honey, let him go. I will explain what is going on in the car", says dad.

Authors pov

As Aiden is in the car, he couldn't stop his tears from falling down his face. The love of his life, the mother of his kids was in the hospital fighting for his life.

The worst is not knowing where his kids were and if they were been take care of. 

"Am here to see my wife, Adrianna". He tells the nurse.

"Sorry sir but she is still in surgery, the doctor is trying to save the baby she is expecting as she lost a lot of blood".

Aiden couldn't control his anger and pain and he punched the wall behind him almost breaking his hand.

Just as the security was about to take him outside his parents arrived just in time. When the security guards noticed them, they went back to their posts.

"Aiden, you know Adrianna wouldn't want to see you like this", His mother was trying to console him.

"She is pregnant, Mum. She is having my baby, and....." Aiden broke down right there in the waiting room.

His parents knew that he needed them now more than ever.

After a few hours, the doctor came to see them. Each one of them stood up hoping for good news about Adrianna.

But the doctor told them next was going to be a breaking point for Aiden, especially when he just found out that she is pregnant.

"What happened doctor?"

"Well... she had some hemorrhaging in her uterus, that's why she needed surgery urgently...."

"What about the baby?", James asked hoping for at least good news for his son, who looked like he was going to kill the person responsible who was Monica.

"I...I am sorry sir, but we could save two out of three babies. We had to save the two as the third baby had already died upon Ms. Gonzales's arrival at the hospital". He explained.

"Can we see her?", Asked Aiden's mother, hoping to see her daughter and to ask what happened as her husband told her only that she was just brought to the hospital.

"Am sorry, ma'am, sir she is now in a coma, and we don't know when she will wake up", Said the Doctor sadly.

"Was she brought with anyone?" Asked Aiden hoping what he heard on the phone wasn't true, that Monica took their kids and was planning something.

"No, sir. She was brought in alone", replied the doctor.

Aiden couldn't wait anymore and asked to see her even if it was just a glimpse of her face.

The doctor leads him to the I.C.U where she was. He was told to wear scrubs, and after that, he was permitted to enter her room.

There she was lying on the hospital bed, with tubes all around her. He pulled up a chair next to her and sat down. He couldn't stop his tears from falling down his face.

"I wish it was me and not you lying here in this hospital bed, I promise you this I will get back our kids and we will be a complete family", He says while holding her hand.

He stayed with her for a few minutes more, he needed to call Luke, Andrew, and Noah to let them know what had happened to Adrianna and their kids. He needed them now more than ever.

Aiden walked back to the waiting room, where his parents were. They were talking to the doctors, discussing Adrianna's case.

He then dialed his best friends' number asking them to meet him at Adrianna's house. He then asked Noah the same thing.

"Dad, mum I have to find our kids and I need you guys to stay here and keep me informed of everything that might change regarding Adrianna." He asked his parents, who agreed without any problem as Adrianna was like a daughter to them just like Luna is.

Arriving at Adrianna's house, he opened the door. A few minutes later, the others arrived with their respective spouses. The look on Aiden's face told them, that what he will tell them wasn't good news.

"Adrianna is in a hospital and she also suffered a miscarriage, the twins have been kidnapped by Monica. I have no idea what she wants with me. Adrianna's health isn't looking good at the moment. So I need your help". Aiden explained to them.

"What do you mean by miscarriage? What really happened, Aiden? and don't leave anything out", Says Noah was beyond furious as to what he heard.

Aiden started explaining everything, detail by detail to them. They all were shocked and didn't know what to say especially the girls who were like sisters to Adrianna.

They were however relieved that she was saved and brought to the hospital.

"We were having triplets, but unfortunately one of them died on impact because of the bullet that hit Adrianna's right side of the stomach". He tells them.

"Bullet? What do you mean by that?", asks Leyla.

"She was shot by Monica", he explained to her.

When Aiden finished explaining to them, Luke was already on his phone, tracking Monica. He is yet to find her location.

"I have placed a tracker in her phone and the vehicle she frequently uses, so don't worry Aiden we will get her before she does any harm to the kids", Says Luke being optimistic about it.

"I can't wait to strangle her with her own hair", Anna Maria says angrily.

Word of advice, never pisses off a pregnant woman, especially if they are two of them.

"If I don't get to her first", says Leyla.

The guys knew that they need to keep the girls away from all this, but the question is will they agree without a fight? Or will they use their means to get the twins back from that witch Monica?

Noah knew the answers to all these questions. As he taught them self-defense because, at the right time, they will be able to use it.

They would have to enlist their families' help, to keep the girls with them, safe and sound until the twins were found.

So Noah called Anna Maria's parents, explaining to them everything that had happened to Adrianna. Andrew did the same with Leyla's parents.

Both sets of parents arrived at Adrianna's house. The guys left discreetly because when the women found out they did that, they would not hear the end of it.

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