Chapter Ten; The twins' kidnapping.

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After the commotion of me and my best friends finding out, about each of our pregnancies. Just like our mothers when they were pregnant with us.

Anna getting engaged to Noah. I still couldn't wrap my head around that my cousin is going to be a father. No offense to him but I wish the kid good luck in having Noah as a dad.

I have yet to tell Aiden, I just hope that Monica wouldn't cause a problem in any way.

But that's quite impossible for her to do. The way I know her, she would try to do anything to make Aiden hers.

Today is the day I will tell him about the pregnancy. Breathing and out, the twins and I are in the car on our way to Aiden's.

"Mum there's a car that was following us since we left the house", Jake pointed out.

I told him to take my phone and try to call Noah or even his father.

I knew that no matter what I have to save my children as they are too important to me than anything else.

"Dad, says to go to the place you felt safe, and to take the longest route", Said Jake while talking to Aiden.

Suddenly the car that was behind us started hitting the back of my car. I asked Jake to give me the phone, as he was still talking to his dad.

"Aiden, there's something you should know, and please don't interrupt until am done", I tell him trying to get away from the car that was still hitting us.

"I love you, Aide, I never stopped. I..."

The car that was behind us, hit my car badly that it started to roll down the road.

I could hear Aiden's voice through the phone but I couldn't answer him as I was trying to keep our kids safe.

The car rolled until it stopped by banging on a tree beside the road. We were barely conscious.

I was trying to keep Riley awake while cutting Jake's seatbelt which was stuck. I managed to get him out of the seatbelt but it was too late because I could hear footsteps coming towards the car.

I couldn't make out, who they were.

"Are they dead? Take the brats and leave the hoe behind", A familiar voice told the men.

I managed to move a little just to get a glimpse of who it was. I won't say I was shocked to see Monica.

"Hello, sister", She says while loading a gun. She pointed it to my heart, "Well this is going to be fun, comforting Aiden and his money. Goodbye sister".

She pulled the trigger. shooting me on my shoulder. She then leaves knowing that she killed me. I was trying to hold on to the twins and the baby I was expecting.

I was losing a lot of blood, all I could think of were my kids and Aiden.

I never even got the chance to tell him about the baby. I started coughing up blood, trying to hold on a bit longer.

Then I hear an ambulance siren that wasn't that far from where I was. I felt weak, I closed my eyes hoping and praying that someone would find me.

"Miss, look at me, don't close your eyes", a paramedic says as he pulled me pulled out of the car. His voice begins to fade away and I slip into consciousness.


After I heard what she said, I knew that she was in trouble, and she needed my help. I heard everything that happened to my family.

It was as if I was there right with them. The bitch will pay with everything she has.

I threw my phone on the wall. "What's the matter, son?" Asked dad seeing the broken phone on the floor.

"Dad...she has them, she has the kids and....." I break down right in front of him.

He comes closer to hug me. Then the phone rang interrupting the moment. Dad answers it.

"Hello, Is this MR. Masters?"

"Yes, it is"

"Am sorry to inform you that Ms. Adrianna has been brought in..."

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