Chapter Three; The Truth About The Twins.

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Andrew Jackson(Aiden's best friend).

Secrets, don't remain hidden because one way or another someone might just spill the bucket.

When you see the girl that your best friend is head over heels in love with having twins by him. You are torn on what you should do.

Tell the guy, or let him find out by himself. Because he wouldn't believe it. This is what happens when a third party is involved in a relationship that's for two people.

He believes Chucky's Bride (Thanks to Noah for the name). She made him become the shell he was. I took their picture and hid it before they could see.

I wanted to send it to Aiden anonymously of course. She has been the best mother to them.

I just hope they can finally be together. I can see how Aiden is suffering from his work and most of the problems Monica gives him.

I warned him about him getting together with her. But I guess when a person doesn't listen to the warnings given by his friend about a certain girl, the world will show him with his own eyes.

And now that Adrianna is dating an accountant at Roses And Thorns Event Planning, Alex.

Her kids adore him but to me, he is trying so hard to be with her.

I Will see how it goes for them, I just hope that in the end, they won't hurt each other.

I was planning to ask Leyla to marry me and so did Noah as he was planning on proposing to AnnaMaria.

And I wanted Aiden to be my best man at our wedding. I don't know what would happen if he saw her and the twins at the wedding. Let's see how it will all unfold.

Adrianna and Aiden will always be connected through their kids and also the fact that they will always love each other. A love like that can never be found.


Another day, another meeting. Why can't I just take a damn break from everything?

Even from Monica, I wondered why the hell haven't broken up with her. I don't know how I could stand her.

"Sir, There's a package for you", My secretary Ann said giving me a brown envelope.

I felt as if I was reliving the same thing I did in high school.

"Who gave you this?", I asked her while taking it from her.

"A messenger sent it", She said. I let her go back to work. I was debating on opening it. I didn't want to find out what would some disaster to happen.

I listened to my heart, and I opened it. What I saw was shocking, baby pictures of a baby boy and a baby girl.

What shocked me was the fact that the boy looked like me. He has my eyes, and the baby girl was like HER.

I recalled the last night we spent together, I knew I was her first. I looked at the envelope for more pictures but what I came up with was a typed letter, It says;

These pictures are of your son and daughter, they were born almost ten years ago. On the 10th of November. They are your kids with the true love of your life. Take my advice and look for them, be with them. You and her and your kids deserve to be happy together. Their names are Jake Gonzales Masters and Riley Gonzales Masters. Be happy.

There was no address written on the envelope or even on the typed letter.

I called my dad because I needed his advice on how to approach the situation. While I waited for dad to pick up the phone, I looked at Riley's pictures, I could see her looking back at me just the way SHE used to.

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