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But at the end of the day we were fine and alive, that's all that really matters in the end.


"And that's pretty much everything." Handong finished.

I am almost sure this story lasted about one entire hour. Me and Handong were the only who were still fully awake.

"I can't believe you guys weren't even listening to me, this whole time. Thank god Y/N is there because if she wasn't, I would practically be talking to a wall."

The girls woke up and looked around confused.

"What do you mean I was listening. Please continue." Siyeon said with a smile.

"I already finished, a long time ago. If this continues I will leave and go Y/N and the curse won't stop me." Handong said.

The other all looked at her scandalized.

"Not that I want to cut the drama when it's getting good but could you untight me because I don't feel my hand or my legs anymore." I asked.

"I think we can untight her now. There's no point in keeping her tied to the chair." Dami said.

"What if she's dangerous. What if she's like him we can't trust her." Gahyeon said.

"Does she really look dangerous to you?" Dami said.

"What's that supposed to mean? You know if I wanted to I could be super dangerous." I responded.

"Well then we better should take some precautions. Let's leave her tied then." she said.

"Alright then, now let's go eat." Jiu said.

"Wait, I was just joking. Please untight me." I pleaded.

"Ok but let's do that fast because I'm so hungry." Yoohyeon complained.

They rapidly untied me and we all went to the kitchen to eat.        

We ate for a while in silence until I finally decided to ask them about something from their past.

"I have a question, isn't that curse lowkey a good thing, apart maybe from the traumas that come with it. You get to live forever with the people you like, that's amazing." I said.

"That's what I thought at first, what could be better than being forever with Siy- I mean the girls but what's really the point of living if you can't enjoy little things anymore because you know that you'll have them forever. Without the bad things, how do you enjoy the good thing if that's what you're used to." Sua said.

"She's right as exciting as immortality sounded at first, I do want to grow old and see everyone else grow older next to me. I also want to travel around the world and make new friends, and everything else that there is in this world." Yoohyeon said and she sighted.

"Okay but the question here is do any of you guys actually know how to break this curse." I asked.

"No offence but if we did know something we would have already tried it and we probably wouldn't be there anymore." Handong replied.

"You could maybe help us find the solution to this whole thing. Outside of this house in the city, maybe there is where the solution of this curse is." Gahyeon said.

"Please you're our only option we really have left" Jiu said.

"I will help you, I will look if I find anything this week and I will come back next week-end okay?" I said.

"How can we trust? Maybe you won't come back." Yoohyeon said.

" I feel offended that you just assumed that I was that heartless, I promise that I will come back okay. I want to help you too, everything that happened to you is unfair and you don't deserve any of it. So you can count on me." I said.

"Thank you so much." Gahyeon said. She ran up to me and hugged me. The other girls followed her and one by one they hugged me.

"Well I'm not really the hugger type but I guess that's okay."

Once they all finished hugging me and thanking me. I finally decided that it was time to go back to my house or my roommate would think I actually got kidnaped or something like that.

I went to the room where I had my backpack and I packed everything up. Once I was done, I came back downstairs to say goodbye.

"Well, see you next week-end, okay?" I said.

" Yes, don't forget to come. Now all that we have to do is wait I guess." Dami said.

Before I went out they all quickly hugged me and wished me good luck.

Once I was out of the building in the forest, I started heading toward the city.

Thinking about it, I really like those girls, I really do want to help them out. 

After a while I finally reached the city, my apartment wasn't too far from here so I should be there in no time.

When I arrived in front of the door as I was about to unlock the door, the door opened.

"Oh my god, you're finally here. I thought someone kidnaped you or worst killed you. You said you would be back before it was dark and you only came back now. Do you know how worried I was? I almost called the police!" Yep, I should have seen that coming.

"I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you that I was staying somewhere but my battery died."

" Okay what is important is that you're okay." she responded.

"Yes, mom."

" This not funny, I was really worried."

"I'm sorry Kim Lip, next time I make sure I tell you." I said.

"Okay come inside now. I will just go buy some things and I will come back afterward." She said.

When your bestfriend is almost like your second mom, that is what you would predict would have happened.

Anyway I got to start searching for an answer now. I have no time to think about something else.


I hoped you've enjoyed this chapter.

See you next time and thank you for reading.

Orphans (Dreamcatcher +Fem Reader / Suayeon / Jiyoo)Where stories live. Discover now