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After closing the orphanage slowly lost all the liveliness that it once had, until one day in the middle of the night, a girl who had long been gone, woke up again.

I woke up sweating, it must have been a nightmare because I'm still here, in my room. But then why did the pain feel so real and Jiu. I remember seeing her after dying and there was a weird light too. Oh my god, I've got to tell the other about it. It must have meant something. We should be careful with him.

I get up from the floor, ready to leave.

Wait, why am I on the floor? I must have fallen out of bed again.

It then hit me that it must still be night, since I was supposed to be sleeping right now. I look out of the window, just to be sure. Outside it's dark that I can't even see the garden. It must be super late; they're probably sleeping at this hour. I should just talk to them tomorrow morning, it seems like a better option.

I go back in the direction of my bed and slowly fall asleep.

After a few hours of sleep; the sun finally appeared and lit up my room, causing me to wake up.

I got out of bed and I swiftly dressed up, so I could meet the other as fast as possible. I left my room and I decided that I should be heading toward the dining room since that's where they would most likely be at this hour.

When I was on my way to the dining room, I noticed how the hallway was completely empty and it was all too quiet for a normal morning. Did something special happen and I wasn't informed about it? I shrugged it off and I continued walking. Maybe they're just eating in the dining room.

But once I reached the dining room, I started to panic when I saw that no one was present in the room. I looked everywhere in the room but no one was nowhere to be seen.

They wouldn't have abandoned me, right? No, they wouldn't I'm sure of it. The next thing that I do, it's that I call their name one by one, hoping that literally anyone would respond but in exchange, I get nothing but the sound of the floor creaking under my feet.

After a while I decide maybe it's the best to just check if they're in their room, although I have no hope, I try to stay positive.

After knocking on everyone's doors but Jiu's and having no response at all. All the hope that I once had was slowly fading away, there was only one missing room, my last hope, if they're not there, I don't know what I will do.

I walked for a bit more until I finally reached her door, which was the last one in the hallway. I knocked on the door but no one responded. So I let myself in and as expected no one was there.

I sighed loudly and sat down on the floor. In each room that I went they were weirdly dusty when we would normally each week clean our rooms. So that means that everybody left a long time ago but then why do I remember seeing them just yesterday and they wouldn't just have left me there alone, that just doesn't make any sense. And also if they in fact did leave, why are some of the beds undone and all of their clothes were still on their wardrobe, they must have left in a hurry.

But now what am I going to do? Maybe they've left some kind of note behind for me.

I go back to my room and for almost 3 hours I desperately look for anything. But of course, I find nothing. I look everywhere else in the orphanage for the rest of the afternoon and as expected I find absolutely nothing.

Maybe they did leave me on purpose?

No, what am I even saying?

"It's fine Yoohyeon, you're going to be fine and you're going to find your friends." I tell myself

I decided that maybe going outside was the best idea and it would help me clear my head a little bit.

Once I got outside, I saw that the sky was cloudy and I thought that it would probably rain soon. As soon as I thought of that, I felt a drop of water fall on my face.

The rain falling down on me made me relax a bit from all of my negative thoughts in my head.

I continued walking until I stopped when I arrived at the limit that divided our garden from the forest. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if I went for a little walk in the forest, after all I knew my way around here.

I started to walk toward the woods but as soon as I walked past the limit. I was projected to the ground, falling on my back.

"Ouch, that hurt." I groaned as rubbed my hand on my back.

What had just happened?

I got back up and I walked again toward where I previously was but this time I stopped just in front of the forest. I slowly raised my hand to try to touch whatever was there. It was like a magnetic field and it restricted me to go past the limit.

I sat down, tears were running down my cheeks. Now all my chances of finding them in the city are inexistent. What am I going to do now. I will never see them again.

I layed down on the grass, my tears and the rain were falling down uncontrollably.

Eventually I fell asleep on the grass with the rain still pouring down. 


Thanks you for reading this chapter.

I hope you're all doing okay and are safe .

See you next time.

Orphans (Dreamcatcher +Fem Reader / Suayeon / Jiyoo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें