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The next morning, Jiu woke up with both of her cheek wet with tears in the corner of her eyes. Had she been crying in her dream she wondered, she couldn't recall what it was about. She wiped away the tears in her eyes and got up from her bed, she slowly started to dress herself to be ready for breakfast.

Since this morning there was something bothering her, she felt strange.

She couldn't quite put a name to what she was feeling but she decided it was better to just ignore it, it would eventually go away. 

She joined the rest of the girls to the table they would usually eat at.

The absence of Yoohyeon in the group was odd, sure she would most of the time be late but she always came.

They decided after finishing breakfast to go check her room to see if she was okay.

All morning the girls searched for Yoohyeon, who was nor in her room or the usual place she would be.

The last place that she could be was the infirmary where Handong was.

They checked in, only to found Handong quietly eating her breakfast.

She looked at them and she smiled brightly but her smile suddenly disappeared when she saw that one of the girls was missing.

"Where is Yoohyeon?" Handong asked the girls.

That confirmed to the girls that she hadn't seen her in all morning.

Dami explained to Handong the weird disappearance of Yoohyeon this morning.

They thought it was really weird if the girl had tried to runaway from this place, she would have at least told them first about her plan.

Handong decided to join them since she was feeling much better from yesterday.

All morning they looked everywhere for Yoohyeon, they even asked every kid they met if they had seen her, none of them had seen her all day.

Desperate, they went to the headmaster. He was their last solution, he would probably know what to do.

On the way to the headmaster's office some of the girls were imaging that the worst had happened to Yoohyeon.

Jiu tried to cheer the girls cracking some jokes, she knew that if she didn't tried to cheer them up she would probably think of what could possibly had happened to her.

Yoohyeon just couldn't be dead there's no way, she was probably sleeping in her bed under the covers and they hadn't had seen her.

They knocked on the big wooden door, which they immediately received the permission to enter the room.

The headmaster was sitting in front of his desk reading I don't know what.

"What is it? What brings you here, young ladies?" the older man asked curiously.

"Since this morning Yoohyeon has been missing, we already have looked everywhere for her but she was nowhere to be seen." Sua explained.

"I'm sorry to tell you that but it seems like your friend ran away, it happens sometimes some teenager feel lost and think that if they ran away from here, they will finally feel better" He simply said.

"I don't think you understand sir, our friend would never had ran away without saying goodbye at least." Sua said getting impatient by is careless attitude toward the disappearance of Yoohyeon.

Orphans (Dreamcatcher +Fem Reader / Suayeon / Jiyoo)Where stories live. Discover now