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*Warning: there's violence in this chapter*

When she fell to the ground unconscious. We thought of the worst, so Dami immediately ran to go get the nurse while Handong and I checked how Jiu was. Apparently according to Handong she was still breathing and she just had fainted. I mean that's not exactly a great thing but at least she was still breathing.

Not long after Dami came back with the nurse by her side. We helped her carry Jiu to the infirmary.

The nurse explained, after she had checked up on Jiu condition, that she had in fact fainted but she couldn't identify the cause of it and she added that we would know later when Minji wakes up.

We didn't really need to know the cause, because I'm pretty sure that we already knew why she had fainted. I just hope that she's okay.

We patiently waited outside since the nurse had to work and needed space for other patients. As time slowly passed, I felt more and more anxious about the whole situation.

"How are we going to find the responsible?" I said holding back my tears.

"I don't know. Even if we find the responsible, nobody is going to believe us anyway." Dami sighted.

"It's obviously him. That guy, what's even his name." Handong said.

"We can be sure. What if it's not him. What if it's someone else and we are falsely accusing him." I said.

"Gahyeon I love you very much and I love that you always try to see the positive in everyone but I have to agree with Handong this time. That guy is everything but good."

We had to wait not much, nearly 5 minutes I think, outside the infirmary before the nurse reappeared to tell us that she had finally woke up. When we walked in, Jiu was sitting on the bed drinking water I suppose. She still looked pale but she looked better than when she was unconscious on the ground.

"How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" Dami asked her.

"I'm fine, I'm better." Jiu said

"If you don't feel well at any moment today, just come back here." the nurse said.

"I'm going to be fine. I was just tired." Minji said.

We all looked at her worried. She was the type of person who would isolate herself in her room for days and when she would finally leave her room she would insist on the fact that she's fine. It had happened before, there was a wild cat that came to the orphanage almost every day and Minji fed him whenever he came but one day he stopped coming. Every day she would still wait for the cat to come back but the cat never came back. After she finally understood what might have happened to the cat, she stayed in her room for almost an entire week without coming out. We had to bring her food because she didn't even want to come out just to eat and now losing more than one person. I'm worried, not only about Minji but also about the others and myself.

I came back from my trance as I heard someone calling my name.

"Gahyeon, are you coming?" Handong said.

"Yes, I'm coming sorry." I said joining them.

We walked for a bit talking about random things to light up the mood until he stopped us.

"Minji, I need to talk to you. It's urgent." It was him again. I grabbed Handong's and Dami's hands so they wouldn't try anything violent against him. As badly as I wanted to punch him myself, we couldn't get in trouble, not right now at least.

"You can talk to me right now. What do you want?" she said bitterly.

"No! I mean no, I need to talk to you in private." he said fidgeting nervously.

"Jiu you can't be seriously considering this; after what he did to them." Dami said.

"Look if I go talk to you right now, you will never talk to any of us after that." she said.

"I promise this will be the last time that I will bother any of us." he replied.

"She will only talk to you if we are nearby." I said. I don't trust him a bit.

"Let's do something, we will talk in the library and you can wait outside. If you think anything suspicious is going on you can come in but obviously nothing is going to happen." that reassured me but I still don't trust him.

We started to walk again, toward the library this time. He was walking ahead of us, allowing us to talk without him hearing our conversation.

"Are you really sure you want to do that. I don't have a good feeling about this." Handong said.

"I know me either but if that makes him stop bothering us then it's worth it." Jiu said..

"Unnie, what if he tries to kill you?" I said trembling just with the thought of it. I don't want to lose anyone else

"Look I know he may look super suspicious and creepy but we can be sure that it was him and he loves me right, he wouldn't hurt me." It made sense but I still had a bad feeling about this.

We finally arrived at the library before she went inside, I hugged her tightly. She whispered into my ear that everything will be okay.

We waited outside for a while. We could hear both of them but we couldn't distinguish what they were saying and suddenly everything went quiet again.

"Should we go in?" I said while my hand became sweaty.

"Let's wait a little bit more and if we don't hear anything. We go in." Dami said.

One, two, three minutes passed and still no sign of people talking.

We opened the door, revealing  Jiu on the floor next to pool of blood. 

I ran toward her and I took her in my arms, the girls join me. 

Suddenly the door closed accompanied by the sound of the lock closing. 

Handong and Dami turned around to see who it was. It was him. 

Handong and Dami left my side, to  ran toward him and they fought. 

I don't know what happened next to them or who was winning the fight. 

I could only look at Jiu. 

"It's going to be okay Jiu. I'm going to stop the bleeding. You're going to be okay, you promised." I said. Now my eyes were blurry filled with tears. 

I continued to apply pressure on her wound but blood kept coming out.

"Gahyeon, I'm sorry." she said out of breath. "I love you, take care of them. Please." she whispered. 

"No, unnie. You can't leave us. You can't leave me. Please I beg you, come back. I can't handle losing someone else." I cried out loud when no response came. 

He took everything from me and he will pay for it.


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading.

Stay safe and healthy.

And by the way if you didn't know.
Dreamcatcher is having a comeback 17th of August, so please go support the girls with their mini album and the MV and let's help them have their first win.

See you next time

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