Chapter 2

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The high school library.

A safe space from any person who's popular, which meant Luke was there as often as possible.

It was always deserted, no one with social standing would be caught dead there, which was why it was a haven for Luke. He was able to have a short break from the mockery, and he didn't have to worry too much about watching his back.

"Luke, do you know where my grade book is?" History teacher Mr Peralta asked the student.

The two were in the library during Luke's free hour. He often spent time with the young teacher. Jake Peralta had been friends with Luke's older brothers before the two men had moved away after college. Jake came back to his home town to teach at the school there, where he'd met Luke the first day of class and instantly took a liking to the small boy. They'd met before, but it was a while ago in passing and neither had remembered the other. But a small, almost friendship had developed between the two, which had been one of Luke's two saving graces in this school.

The other was the school librarian, Mr Styles. Unlike Mr Peralta, Mr Styles knew what went on in school with Luke.

The blonde haired boy hadn't wanted to tell his brothers friend about the bullying he was subjected to, because he was afraid the teacher would tell them. Even though they both lived about 8 hours away from home, Luke knew that if they'd heard about the issues he was facing, they'd be right back there to beat some highschoolers up. Luke knew that would only make things worse for him. Having his brothers come back and tattle for him? Despite their good intentions, it would not work out.

So Luke just pretended like everything was fine.

Harry Styles was just more perceptive than Jake was. Or maybe it was because he found Luke huddled in the corner of the library one day in tears, bruises up and down his arms and torn clothing that revealed small cuts on the boys pale skin. After that day, he'd taken a closer look at what happened around him, and it wasn't difficult to see once you knew what you were looking for.

Mr Styles became the person Luke would go to when he needed to talk to someone, and the library was the place he went to when he needed an escape. If the bullies were out for blood, he would run to the library and park himself in front of Harry's desk, talking to the tall, curly haired brunette while helping put books back.

But even with the two teachers, Luke still wished he had a friend. Sure, it was nice to have someone to go to during the day if he needed help, but it wasn't like he could text them after school or hang out at the movies with them over the weekend.

"It's right here, Mr Peralta," Luke giggled slightly, sliding the green covered spiral bound notebook across the table to the teacher. It had been right in plain sight, but somehow he had missed it.

"Thanks," Jake grinned sheepishly, knowing he was likely to loose things if he wasn't careful. He shuffled some of the papers that were thrown across the table into a pile and set them aside. "Would you grab a book about the French Revolution for me?" he asked, not looking up from his work. Luke knew the teacher was planning lessons now and nodded.

"Okay," he thought it was strange that he wanted one on the French Revolution since they were learning about American Rev in class, but maybe Mr Peralta had surprised him and actually been ahead of his work for once.

Shrugging it off, he went over to the history section, knowing immediately where he would be searching. He had to walk from the table they were sitting at near the center of the library to the back corner and up the third aisle in the history section. Helping Mr Styles put books away after school really came in handy sometimes.

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