fact 8: Inferiority

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A friend came up to me one day in school and asked if she could talk to me.

I agreed but I was so surprised when she told me that she's feeling inferior.

Firstly I asked her if she really knows the meaning of feeling inferior because you can't just wake up one day and starts feeling inferior maybe because you heard someone saying it or because you found it in your dictionary so you wanted to know how it feels on your tongue.

After few minutes of silence, I decided to ask her a question.

" I don't really know the reasons why you started feeling inferior all of a sudden but do you know how many people out there that wish they were in your shoes"? i asked.

"Do you know how many people out there that wishes to be like you"?

" Do you know how many people that tells themselves  that you are their role model"?

" Do you know how many that looks up to you"?

Same questions goes to everyone.

Quite alright there a situations as humans that comes your way and leads to you questioning about your existence , there are situations that breaks down your emotions.

But what made you greater?

You are greater because you have that ability to conquer that situation, you have that ability to make good decisions for yourself.

Do you know that when you claim to be inferior when you are not, it deprives you from many things because each time you try indulging into activities, that feeling comes and you quit what you are about to do.

One thing about life is that if you don't learn to conquer some situations in life, then get prepared because those situations will conquer you and when they do, there goes your down fall.

Don't sacrifice your dreams because of a fear of something that doesn't exist.

Every resistance to your dreams gives you the opportunity to become wiser, not inferior.

I really missed everyone
Sorry for the late update
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