fact 1. Mobile device

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I will be using a first person pronoun "i" in most part of the book.
And I want to remind you again. About this book, it's not really a novel so read at your own risk.
I believe that ninety nine percent of people in the world today make use of a mobile device.

Most countries are very much developed so even if you may not have one, at least you should know what a mobile device is.

Two months ago, I was chatting with a friend on my facebook social media and she made a statement or let's say a complain that amazed me and I had to bring a question up.

She said, and I quote "my smart phone has been misbehaving lately, the battery can't stay up to two hours without tripping off. Am just tired of repairing it. I wish I can just go buy a new one ".

After I read that, I was silent for somewhile before I threw a question to her although I didn't get any feedback because she believed that it isn't possible.

So the question is........

for me I believe that yes life can be compared to that.

And your next question should be ......

life can be compared to a mobile device because life is a device.

First of all, let's use a smart phone as an example of a device.

A smart phone has many applications, Some which was already installed before you purchased your phone and others which you install from you Google Play store or any other store app.

We noticed that those we install from the stores can be installed but those that came with the phone cannot be removed. That's life for you.

We all are born into a family where our parents train up in there own way but when we mix up with those outside the family triangle, we get to learn new things but one sure thing is that those things we learnt from outside the triangle can be forgotten but the training you received from home can never be forgotten.

Another point is that, those applications can never function without you operating it. You can't purchase a smart phone and keep looking at it to operate on its own without you touching it. So as life. You can't exist and expect life to complete your reasons for your existence. It's not possible and can never be.

Do you also know that this applications have different purposes or function so as we. A great writer once said and I quote " you can't be like me because our destines are two straight lines that can never meet ". Learn to always be yourself.

Anything that exists has a life span so as a mobile device battery. When you charge it to a hundred percent, at first it seems like it will never reduce but gradually it reduces to a zero percent. So as life, we don't really have a long life span so let's make good use of it now we exist.

We exist for a purpose, although we trying fitting into other purpose which may or may not work out but one certain thing is that we must achieve our purpose.

We as the operator, we decide where, how and what to do with our personal life.

Life doesn't decide for us, it's just there. So we have to put in a helpful data to receive a good information.

Time counts a lot!

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609 words

FACTS about LIFEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora