fact 5. circle II

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The bonus chapter I promised.
Thanks for the comments..

Life is a cycle in form of a circle.

We weren't existing, suddenly we started existing. We pass through some stages while existing then we die and stop existing.

Life is a circle, the world is a circle,  the planets are circles, the sun and moon are circles too and circles has no end so it just keeps rotating and while doing that,  it comes back to the point it started rotating from.
( science students wave your hands 👉)

We move around in a bicycle, cycling and thinking like a tricycle without knowing that a motorcycle is better because of the additional cycle.

No matter how independent you are, you must have people around that will help lead you to your success. If not your parents, it may be your friends or someone who you will spend the rest of your life with.

There is this saying that says and I quote "two heads are better than one".

No great work was done by just one person. Many people are needed to fulfill a vision.

The circle keeps moving in a cycle as time go by without people knowing that a circle of a cycle never discycles.

Most of us live a carefree life because we don't believe that someday we will stop existing.
We think that the world is meant for us and without us, there will nothing existing. 

Let me remind you that everything was here before you came empty-handed and everything will be here while you go empty-handed.

What goes around keep coming around but yet the cycle never stop recycling.

Generations come and generations go but yet life is still existing. It never stops unelse the creator wants it to then so be it.

At times as we keep cycling, cyclone happen making us lose hope as a cycler without knowing that cyclers never stop cycling.

Life is not all about goody goodies. If you think life is always straight then you are thinking wrong. Most of us weren't born with golden spoons in our mouths, we struggle to survive. those born with golden spoons are not left out. We face difficulties, we get betrayed.

It's going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.

Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destination.

Gradually, we start questioning our existence. But when you feel like quitting think about why you started.

Even though there will be times of stress, disappointment and pressure, the vision will come to pass. It is not a mater of whether it's going to be fulfilled; it's a matter of whether we're going to be true to it in the midst of trials.

Opposition should strength your resolve and revive your stamina.

Let's not lose hope but stand firm because no situation is permanent.

I love this more

Hope I was able to inspire you to move on?

This chapter is dedicated to Darth_Donut323 for trying to explain the previous chapter. Although she tried and made a very good point. Follow her please!


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