Like a Virgin

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In the month of October, Joan received an unexpected invitation. It came from her secret lover, William Crowley, who was planning on celebrating his birthday with her. The young woman was invited to spend a few days with him and his closest friends on his property, and she accepted happily, ready to deepen her grip on the fine gentleman.

So Lily reluctantly helped her foster sister prepare her bag for the trip. She was still very jealous of Joan's relationship with the young man and found it really difficult to set her possessiveness aside. She kissed and embraced Joan one last time just before her departure in a stupid attempt to make her change her mind.

"I really have to go, Lily. You understand, right?" Joan asked as she adjusted her dress.

Lily, sitting on the edge of their bed, looked down at the floor and nodded silently.

"I will be back very soon," Joan assured before she headed to her weekend of party.

During those two days, Lily spent her time reading; she needed the distraction to divert her thoughts that were full of Joan. And she barely slept at all that night, as she felt so lonely in the big four-post bed.

'I have really gone mad,' she grumbled as the bright morning sun blinded her sleepless eyes.

Lily waited for Joan's return in front of their house on the Sunday late afternoon, sitting on a swinging chair in the courtyard. She was reading her book when the carriage arrived. Joan hopped down with a big smile on her face and rushed to hug Lily.

"Oh, how I missed you, Lily!" she exclaimed in her embrace.

The two girls entered the house under the millions of questions of Mrs Whitman and their younger foster sister, Alice. They sat at the dinner table and spent a nice evening all together, as Joan delivered the anecdotes of her crazy weekend. Lily knew that older girl was keeping some of it for later, when they would be alone in their room, as usual.

After they finished eating, Lily and Joan went up to the bedroom hand in hand. They had not even passed the threshold of their door that Joan slammed Lily against it in a passionate kiss. Even Lily was surprised by the intensity of the affection, but rapidly gave back what she received.

The two roommates slowly stepped to the bed in a sensual waltz. Their clothes were falling one by one on the floor, and they were both naked when they laid down on the mattress. Joan moved on top and gazed at Lily with a lustful smile.

"Did something happen during your trip?" Lily asked.

Joan bit her lower lip and dropped her face on Lily's shoulder. She kissed the collarbone and raised her face again with a bright blush adorning her cheeks.

She approached her lips to Lily's ears and whispered:

"I... William took my virginity."

Lily's eyes grew wider, and she stopped breathing for a few seconds. A frown appeared between her brows.

"Did he pressure you to..."

"No! No, he was the most gallant man there could be!" Joan said, shaking her head. "He asked me if I wanted to be more intimate with him and I... well I said yes!"

"Ah..." Lily did not know what to say.

A moment of silence passed. For some reason, Lily felt so annoyed that she thought it was best to shut up. Joan could feel the uneasiness between them and sighed.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked with concern.

She did not want what happened a few months before to occur again. Lily glanced at her then nodded.

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