Shall we Kiss?

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Like most wealthy families during the Edwardian and Victorian eras, the Whitmans enjoyed going to dancing balls and other parties. There is no doubt that this was one of the easiest methods of finding brides and grooms to marry in the wide lands of England.

Joan was one of those young ladies who enjoyed dancing and flirting with the boys. The fact that she was one of the prettiest single maidens of the vicinity made it easier for her to succeed amongst the high society. On the contrary, Emily was far too timid and modest to shine, and she actually welcomed the tranquility.

So, one evening following a weekend full of partying, Joan and Lily were idly chatting in their big bed. Lily was reading as per usual and listened to Joan's anecdotes of the ball. The older girl generally related every single detail to her best friend and confidant, even the most intimate.

After finishing reading, Lily laid down next to Joan; she could not fall asleep unless she was facing her. Joan remained silent for a bit, clearly trying to decide whether she should continue her account of the past evening. She played with the thin thread that hung from the front of Lily's nightgown then looked up.

"Lily, something important happened last night," Joan confessed in a murmur.

Lily frowned, "What is it? You can tell me."

"I..." Joan lowered her gaze and blushed. She bit her lip before whispering in her roommate's ear, "William kissed me."

Lily gasped and gawked at Joan.

"K- kissed?! Like a real...?"

"Kiss! Yes!" Joan repeated with a giggle.

"On the mouth?" Joan nodded; she brushed the tips of her fingers on her own lips and closed her eyes.

"It was amazing, Lily!" Joan continued.

"H-how did it happen?" the brown-haired girl inquired, really intrigued.

After another pause, Joan looked at Lily and described the romantic event: "We were dancing for the third time when James suddenly asked me to come with him and take some fresh air. So we went into the garden and just sat on one of the benches there."

Lily nodded in acknowledgment.

"At some point, he took my hand in his," Joan continued. "And he asked me if he could kiss me! I said yes, of course, you know how much I like him!"

Lily nodded again. Joan had indeed been infatuated with William Crowley for a few years now, and he clearly liked her back. Lily thought that they might end up married.

"And then, he just kissed me!" Joan said. "Oh Lily, it was so magical! His lips were surprisingly soft, and then he..."

"Alright, alright! I think I get it! No need to go into too much detail." Lily grimaced.

The two siblings stared at each other in silence. "I am glad for you, Joan," Lily finally said, halfheartedly.

"Me too," Joan replied.

Her brown eyes were piercing straight into Lily's, and the latter had to avert her gaze.

"Do you want me to show you?" Joan asked.

Lily's eyes shot back at her, wide open. "W-what?"

She suddenly felt Joan bring the tips of her fingers to her lips and brush them softly.

"You have such pretty lips, Lily," she said dreamily. "Such kissable lips..."

She leaned in closer to Emily, their noses touched.

"I can show you how to kiss..."

Lily could feel Joan's warm breath on her face, and an inaudible "Yes" left her trembling lips as she stared into Joan's hypnotizing eyes.

The blond young woman brushed a strand of hair off Lily's hair and cupped the side of her face. She shyly pressed her lips, barely touching at first, then more assertively.

The kiss had been furtive, but quite enough to awaken the innocent girl's desire. Joan tilted her head slightly and enraptured Lily's lips with more avidity. Lily could feel the warm and moist mouth move against hers, and she squeezed her eyes shut with a moan. She pressed a hand on Joan's torso and reciprocated the kiss.

It lasted for seconds, then minutes, and both girls did not seem inclined to stop. It was only when Joan tried to add her tongue to the act that Lily panicked. She let out a small gasp before pushing Joan.

"W-we should not..." she muttered with a quivering voice.

Her hands were shaking too, and Joan gave a small smile. She kissed Lily on her forehead.

"I am sorry, Lily. It seems that the reminder of last night's kiss made me too excited," Joan apologized meekly. "But I am glad I could share it with you, though."

She pecked Lily again, this time right at the corner of her lips, and turned around to face the wall.

"Good night, Lily," Joan said before falling asleep a few minutes later.

Emily remained in the same position, facing Joan's back. Her heart was beating like a racing horse in her chest, and she could feel tears burning her eyelids. She touched her lips, where the warm sensation still lingered on, and covered her face with her hands.

Please no. It cannot be, she pleaded silently.

This feeling had been something she had tried to bury deep within her, and yet was invading her once again. She turned to face the other side of the bedroom and prayed.

Prayed that this fluttering feeling would be gone in the morning.

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