Drag Out

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Drag Out

After that serious note in the previous chapter... What I find slightly off putting *understatement of the chapter* is when they drag out the book for SO LONG. Like, say the interesting plot ends with a perfect ending at chapter 30. Okay... BUT THEN. BAM! There's like five new chapter updates about their third world problems. 

For eg.


And they lived happily ever after with their beautiful children. Finally happy to put their miserable past behind them....


"We ran out of food honey!" She said sadly.

He frowned," We'll have to go to the shop now." 


Yeah exaggeration to the max, but you get my drift. It's totally cool if it's a much loved book, but when it's not. Just tell the author to go into a corner and think about what they're doing. Actually don't. That's mean. 

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