Chapter 7 - October 31st

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I awaken, my bed empty. I craved his touch. The Monday rays pricked my eyes. Evans to my right was still dead asleep; I've woken up before the schedule. With the lonely sensation trickling through my veins,  I pick myself up, clothing myself with the Hogwarts crest. My button-up collared shirt and skirt fit tightly yet comfortably, I drown myself in my robe; also bearing the Gryffindor crest. Satisfied with my look, I proceeded to grab the textbooks necessary for the first few classes, double astronomy, and the history of magic were on the cards. I took one final look at Evans strangled in-between her beige quilt and covers and pursued my journey. 

The halls of Hogwarts were quiet, to say the least, nobody was actively happy to wake-up on a Monday morning. As I toddled down these familiar halls, I look through each archway on the walls of the castle, every few, I rest my arms and elbows in the flat part of the arch, I view the delicate simplicity of the natural features brushing through the flora, I can imagine with each breeze of the Autumn air, the wiser and more hollow tree trunks are like a theatre for the symphony of the aura. I'm caught in the moment. Footsteps lurch toward me, my hypnotized state doesn't process this. Familiar hands wrap around my shoulders, and they also fall into the atmospheric trance. The scent wafting was enough for me to recognize this mystery person without having to manipulate the angle my head stood. 

'Remus, wonderful to see you at this hour, quite new actually,' I smile, finally acknowledging his presence. I look up at him and softly plant a warm kiss onto his cheek. He was tense. I could sense it spiraling in his eyes. With his hand rested on the archway, I layered mine (significantly smaller) on top, lacing my fingers in-between. 'Happy Halloween, definitely my favorite holiday,' I enthusiastically added, he looked down on me. 

'False, the correct answer is Christmas,' He laughed, releasing himself from the archway of the window, slowly walking along with the stone floors of the halls, each step freed the echoing audio, bouncing off the walls, and down the ally. I removed my hands from his grasp and strode alongside his 6'3" figure. I mimic his walking pattern, long and fast, I start to struggle with this challenge I've created, and he took advantage of it. Abruptly he would halt in a swift gallop; my reaction time isn't as fast as my wit. I topple over onto the stone, Lupin suddenly regrets his childlike manner, and picks me up from my fall. 'Watch your footwork Y/N, being clumsy like that won't get you very far.' The way she spoke, was bizarre, it was not like him at all.  

'You're wrong Remus, Halloween is the best holiday," I said. 

'Debatable, is Halloween even a holiday?' I laugh in response. I chose to ignore his statement, and we both walk into the great hall together. Nearly empty, almost the whole row of Gryffindor table to chose a seat from, but we choose the given, the traditional seating for us. I sit down, grabbing something to temporarily satisfy my needs. I nibble lightly, not too starving to have a full breakfast. 

'Not hungry Y/N?' Remus asks, feeding himself a healthily large meal. 

'Nope, not really, I'll just stick to the orange.'

'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it important to get this sort of nutrients at this hour particularly," Remus exclaims. 

'That's nice, but I don't particularly care at this hour,' I spat, emphasizing 'at this hour' mocking him. 'I'm just not hungry ok?

'Oh, right, ok,' He looked down, almost timid-like. Just as the atmosphere dries out, and grew in silence, in galloped Sirius and Potter. They look proud of themselves, they were up to something, and this something I had a good idea that wasn't going to be good. 

'Morning, morning, morning to all, I have some vitally important information to dwell on with all of you, so listen in carefully, if you know what is good for you,' I couldn't care less at this point.

Exchange Student -A Remus Lupin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now