Chapter 2 - Astronomy class

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Those eyes, those eyes, I can't get them out of my baffled head.

"Who's Sirius?" I questioned looking at Lily, I gestured my hand down the corridor.

" Oh, he's friends with James, Sirius is kind of the leader along with James, the rest of their little crew revolve around messing around, they're not really nice to anyone. James especially, he nags Severus and is extremely rude." Lily sighed.

"Well, I'll see you in defence against the dark arts," I forced a smile, waving our goodbyes.

With a skip in my step, I got lost in the halls of Hogwarts, trying to find my way, nobody was nearby anymore. I was lost. Eventually, I found my way.

" Ah Y/N, we were anticipating your arrival, though you would never have turned up, I'll be your professor for this year, Professor Sinistra is the name I prefer to go by. Take a seat next to Lupin back left." I nod in agreement, swiftly shifting left to go sit next to 'Lupin'. He was tall, like Sirius before, but with lighter hair and scars on his face, intriguing was my first thought that bubbled into my mind

" Hey, I'm Y/N, yours is?" I gestured a handshake but he refused.

" Remus" he bluntly responded.

" Remus Lupin? Nice name!" I smiled. He forced a smile in response.

I place my stuff onto my side of the table beside him, he glared then slightly relocated away from me, but still to my right.

" Now, let's get started on what we are here for, today we will be revising star charts and filling sheets in, Partner up! Hurry we don't have all day", I look at Remus he tries not to look at me, but i say the first words to start a conversation.

" Partners?" I question. He nods, not verbally agreeing with what I said. 30 minutes past, failing to start a conversation. He keeps starring, he thinks i don't notice but I do when i turn to ask him a question, he swiftly looks away, smiles a little and a blush pigmentation spawns on his cheeks. Class ends, we weren't the most successful in class, but we got the job done.

" Bye", I wave to Remus he does nothing but mysteriously smile and walk to his next class. Later that night at dinner, all I could think about is what just happened, I needed to tell Lily.

" How was your day Y/N? Mine was excellent, glad I'm taking herbology" she grinned focusing back on her meal.

" Who is Remus Lupin?" I question, ignoring what she just said to me.

" Oh i forgot to tell you but he is part of that little crew with Sirius Black, why?" she mocks, insinuating she thinks there is a thing between Remus and I.

"I've only met him today, are you crazy?! he is weird anyway" I chuckle shoving Lily jokingly.

"Jesus Y/N you can't fool me, I can see the pink brewing on your cheeks" i smirk, playing with my dinner.

"Well he is intriguing, does he always get in fights or something, there are scars scattered across his face and running up his arm"

"No not at all, he is quite the quiet kid actually, that's why James and Sirius like Remus so much, his shy humour."

"How odd," I thought, I looked down the long table to see Sirius, James and Remus giggling about something, pointing at Severus.

"Lily... what are they laughing at?" I pointed them.

"Dammit not again, can they grow up?! They're making fun of Severus again, he promised he wouldn't!" In a rage, Lily stands up almost stomping towards James and his pack.

Exchange Student -A Remus Lupin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now