Chapter 4 - Astronomy can wait

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"And what do you think you two are doing" Lily chuckled, looking under the table, probably witnessing my legs moving away from Remus'. 

"Absolutely nothing Evans. Also what is your issue with Potions, it really isn't that technical, you grab the ingredients and chuck em' in the cauldron?" Remus smirked, fidgeting with the pages of his astronomy textbook, his face painted with scars leaned on his angelic hands. 

"Look i don't know, and you don't just 'throw them in' Einstein!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, Lily," he smirked. 

What is Remus trying to do under the table, our feet and leg tapping must be an accident, he shows no interest in me what so ever, he couldn't like me. Even after yesterday's incident where he shoved me off of the chair, he didn't even apologise, he just stormed out of the great hall. How bizarre, but he keeps... smiling at me, perhaps? No, no, no he couldn't, could he?

"Yeah what even are you two doing under there? Playing footsies, count me in!" Sirius mocked, kicking Remus too forcefully. Remus then pushed Sirius lightly. 

"What are we eight? Footsies? Who even- you know what nevermind. Y/N we should get going, we can't be late to astronomy, our only class together. You don't mind me walking with you to class do you?" I felt so on the spot with Lupin's proposal, I felt my cheeks burn.

"Oh, you definitely should go Y/N, I'll see you at dinner anyway, have fun." Lily waved gesturing to the Great Hall door, I trembled at my words, trying to say something. Remus grabbed my books and piled them on top of his own, his lengthy arms has no trouble holding all the materials.

"Let's go Y/N." As those words slipped out of his mouth I didn't know he was capable of speaking so gently, he so tall and intimidating, yet, his voice is gentle and welcoming. I started to follow Remus down the halls, I memorised his walking pattern weirdly, this pace was too fast for my liking, but one whole step for him was almost equivalent to 3 of mine own. We seemed to have gone so fast of pace we missed the flight of stairs that lead up to the astronomy towers.

"Remus, our class is back there!" He laughed, not slowing down. 

"0h I know," he exclaimed looking down at me, so further down he had to arch his head at 45-degree angle forwards to get a full view at my face.

"Y/N you are too slow, will you hurry up!"  He mockingly shouted.

"Um excuse me!?"

"IM JOKING!" He gleamed down at me smiling. He grabbed ahold of my hand, intertwining his long fingers through mine microscopic compared.

"So where are we going, Remus?" I squeezed his hands being a signal to look down at me.

"Just to the library, Miss won't mind that much will she." He laughed, almost dragging me along at this point.

"We can't just skip class, what are you thinking?!" I spat. He smirked, stayed silent. We finally made it to the library and found a table to plant our selves, for the time being, in the corner of the room. 

"I didn't take you like the bad boy type, Mr Lupin" I mumbled to myself as I slid myself into my seat, I grabbed my books from his little pile. He glared at me, I assumed he heard what I said.

"Let's have our own little lesson, it's extremely boring up there." He slid his chair closer to mine,  I realised even sitting down, he still towers over me. He opened my textbook for me and did the same to his own. As we did our own separate class, he inched closer and closer to me. As I was reading out a piece of text to him as quietly as I could, he slid a hand onto my thigh.

Exchange Student -A Remus Lupin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now