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"It's so romantic in Paris"
Paris - Sabrina Carpenter

"Mia you done? We're gonna be late." I tell the blonde in front of me who's taking her millionth selfie as we stand at the top deck of the Eiffel tower. The boys have been touring for almost a week now and have already done 5 shows. Today's Corbyn's birthday, but we can't see the boys until tonight since they have a ton of interviews and rehearsal before the show.

We spent the whole day looking for a present, but couldn't seem to find anything that he'd like. Mia said that me visiting would be a great gift itself, but I couldn't help but disagree. The plan tonight is that we don't meet up with the boys at the venue, but we'll surprise them at the hotel instead.

Mia turns around and walks by my side, "Okay I'm done, we can go now." I laugh a little at my beret wearing girl next to me as we start heading to ground level. "Did you think of a gift to give to Corbyn yet?"

I shake my head, "No, not yet." We both step down off the elevator and meet the floor, "I just don't know what he'd want. He's never really mentioned anything specific."

"Maybe he doesn't want anything then." Mia shrugs, but we both know that's not the case. We go to the sidewalk and prepare to cross the street to go to this little bistro we were eyeing when we first landed here.

"But he's gotta want something," I argue, "The question is what." The two of us cross the street, watching both sides of the road. We still had a good couple hours before we had to get ready to go to the show, plus Mia wanted to go shopping for a bit.

We reach the bistro and Mia opens the door for the both of us, and we see the waiter greeting us up front. "You'll figure it out, maybe you can't think on an empty stomach" she suggested as we walk to our table. I just nod in agreement, probably thinking she's right. We get our menus and begin to see what's available to eat for today.

"Here, this looks like a good place." Mia points at the small navy and white shop. It's been almost 2 hours and we've been walking for ages and still haven't found anything. Don't get me wrong, there were many candidates for Corbyn's present. Many watches and designer belts we found (especially since Mia suggested that if anyone needs a belt, it'd be Corbyn), but none of them seemed special enough. We walk into the shop to see that it's different than the other stores we've been to. For starters, it doesn't have a bunch of glass cases of designer watches and jewelry in our face. Instead, there's a lot of items scattered around the store, and the first sign we see is translated from French, "If it's on display, it's for sale."

Mia turns her head to me, "So everything?" I shrug my shoulders as we walk around the "antique" store and get a good look around. There seemed to be no worker in sight, or anyone else for that matter.

"What if we're not supposed to be here?" I whisper to Mia, suspicious if someone's watching. "There's no one here, maybe they're closed."

Mia put down the antique cat sculpture back on the shelf and huffed, "If it was closed, it wouldn't be unlocked and the sign would say closed. We're fine, c'mon this place is cool." she tells me reassuringly, eventually convincing me.

I find myself at the back of the store to see their collection of chains and bracelets. There's this one chain that catches my eye. It's a plain silver one, like the ones he has, but then there's a big lock on it with a C carved into it. At first I wasn't sure if it really was a C, but the closer look I got at it, it truly was. I call over Mia to look at it, and I hear her coming from the front of the store.

"Did you finally find something- oh my God that's perfect." her eyes widen at the chain in the glass case in front of us, "It's like it was made for him."

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