"My apologizes, I had hoped to speak with you. The Doctor told me about the extent of your pack members injuries before I got arrived here. They mentioned I might be helpful to him in the near future."

"Oh, yes." Cecilia looked at him for a moment as if deep in thought. "Are you fighting with us Jing?"

"Ah" The young Doctor was a little taken a back, it was not the response he had expected. "No, Alpha. Though strong and deadly when we need to be, we pandas are relatively peaceful and not prone to acts of unprovoked aggression." He said all this in a calm monotone with no change in his neutral facial expression.

Cecilia continued to lead him down a hallway, towards the room they had Steffan in.

"Good, then I have a favor to ask of you."

Jing just raised a single eyebrow at her.

"I'm going to need my Gamma for this fight, but he will not be focused if I can't ensure the safety of his new Mate, your soon to be patient." Cecilia paused in front of a door, "The warriors I'm not taking will be guarding everyone else, they won't be here. I need someone to stay here and keep watch for Carson. Someone I can trust."

"That is a lot of faith you are putting in me Alpha."

Cecilia sighed heavily, "We've worked together before, I have a good idea about who you are and as a fellow shifter I know you have the instincts to protect. Plus, if he wakes up while we are gone you might be better equipped to deal with him than most of us."

"Well, if your Gamma has no problem with an unmated male around his Mate then I will be happy to assist you."

Cecilia slowly opened the door, tapping her knuckles on the wood lightly, alerting the man within of their entry.

Carson had moved one of the larger, more comfortable chairs close to the bed. His feet were propped up on the bed, slightly touching Steffan's leg. His cobalt blue eyes locked onto Jing as he and the Alpha stepped into the room.

"Carson this is Dr. Jing Owens. He's going to be watching Steve while we are gone." Carson's eyes narrowed and he barred his teeth, his canines starting to elongate. "Oh, keep it in your pants boy. He's our best choice and I swear on my role as Alpha that your Mate will come to no harm by his or any hand while you are away from him."

Carson looked shell shocked, the amount of trust she was showing, to make an oath on her position as Alpha was no small thing and they all knew it. Carson exhaled deeply and stood, holding out his hand to Jing, who took it in return.

"Sorry for the rude first impression. Been a weird couple of hours, my wolf is acting like a right asshole right now. Even I'm sick of his bullshit."

"Steve looks much better Carson." Cecilia spoke up," I'm glad you let the Omegas take care of the two of you. If not for him, then for them."

"Well, it's hard to say no to 10 doe eyed bambis who only want to help and look like they could flood the building if refused." Carson chuckled.

"We're going to leave in four hours. You will rest here till then; I'm going to need you sharp." Cecilia moves to the door. "Try talking to him, Steve might be able to hear you."

Carson was about to reply when a rough voice came from the bed.

"Name....Steffan.....Not Steve."

"What the hell? Is he waking up?" Carson almost shouted.

"No, I think his unconscious mind took over for a moment. He must have a very strong desire to be called Steffan instead of Steve if it woke him from a near coma." The only doctor in the room answered.

"I'll call him whatever he wants, as long as he is ok."  Carson settled back into his chair, his eyes never leaving his new Mate.

Cecilia walked Jing out to his motorcycle.

"How are you holding up Alpha, and please don't say I'm fine. I'm too good at my job to believe that bundle of lies."

Cecilia thought for a moment, trying to organize her emotions.

"I'm conflicted. Part of me thinks this is the right thing to do, who cares if there is risk and other people might get hurt. This is getting my Mate back so damn the consequences. But the other part of me argues that we are showing our hand and the protection of the town is more important than one man, my Mate or not. We would be safer if we forget about Sampson."

"One life is just as important as any other." Jing looked at her, his deep brown eyes intense, "you are not making this choice alone. We all agree, the Mages are too great a threat to ignore, and your plan is good. Our choice would have been the same if they didn't have your Mate. Look at what they did to Steffan, we cannot stand by and let that kind of reckless prejudice and malice go unchecked. Everyone who is going into danger is volunteering. So, stop trying to split yourself apart with unnecessary internal conflict and focus on your plan. If you are unfocused, you will not succeed, and we all need you to succeed."

The Alpha wolf wiped the tears away from her checks, feeling calm for the first time since realizing her Mate was gone.

"Damn Jing, you really are good at this."

He smiled as he climbed onto his motorcycle.

"Get some rest Alpha. In four hours, you're going to war."

Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of West MountainUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum