How Old Are You?

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This is not what Cecilia had expected her night to go, instead of spending some much needed time with her Mate, she was sitting outside of an All-Night Café with Sylas. His golden eyes were trained on her, observing silently as he smoked a cigarette.

"As fun as you are Sylas, can we get on with it? I have a Mate I'd like to get back to."

"No offense Alpha but I doubt he'll notice your absence right now. He had the look of a Mage lost in magic. I've seen it many times. He won't come out of that haze till he meets his goal."

"You seem to know a lot about it, Sylas." Cecilias eyes narrowed, suddenly suspicious. "How did you know he was a Mage? Did he tell you?"

"No." Sylas sighed, running a hand through his hair and scratching the back of his neck. "It's a combination of several factors. I can tell anyone's Fae species; they don't have to tell me. Part is because I can see and read auras, part of it is scent. As I'm sure you are aware, each Species has its own scent, I can recognize each one."

"How?" Cecilia was curious but still on edge.

"I've been alive a very long time, my kind ages extremely slowly. For most of those years I travelled the world, spending time with all the Fae species I could, learning and documenting everything. Not an easy task, many were very suspicious of me and my motivations."

"Yet you prevailed?" Sylas looked at her for a long time. The intensity of his gaze made her slightly uncomfortable.

"How trustworthy are you, Alpha? Will you be able to know the knowledge I can import to you without telling another living soul expect your mate."

"I'm not some bored housewife Sylas. I have better things to do than gossip."

"You've heard of the Council of Elders?" Sylas asked.

"Of course, my father spoke about them. I'm not sure they are real."

"Why do you say that?"

"All the stories say they were Fae who are older and more powerful than we can know, and they started the first Safe Haven Town. They were champions for species intermingling. If they are still around, they are ignoring this Cult of Mages and their reign of terror." Cecilia folded her arms, irritated at this whole situation. "But no one has heard of one for decades."

"It's never that black and white Cecilia. No Fae is all powerful, we all have weaknesses. The Council was strong, at one time but we were arrogant, and this Cult has been around many lifetimes. They nearly decimated my race, and they would love nothing more to destroy all of us."

"You said we?" Cecilia furrowed her brows, "How old are you, Sylas? You're part of the Council of Elders?"

"I can't tell you all my secrets Alpha. But you are making the right assumptions." Sylas smirked. "Do you know what Fae Species made up the Council?"

"Just stories. But they can't..." Cecilia trailed off, her eyes widening slightly, "FUCK A DUCK! You're.... seriously?"

Instead of answering Sylas let a few plumes of smoke escaping the side of his mouth and his eyes started to glow like hot liquid gold. A low rumbling growl sounded from his chest that literally shook the glasses on the table.

"Holy Crap on a cracker." Cecilia whispered, "I don't fucking believe it!"

Sylas chuckled, taking a sip from the teacup in front of him. He grimaced slightly, "Goddess, I miss proper tea."

He was obviously giving Cecilia time to compose herself and organize her thoughts. Several minutes passed. Sylas leaned back in his chair and sipped what the Café had deemed a cup of tea, watching different Nocturnal Fae go in and out of the Café.

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