What's Your Answer

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The pack erupted in a deafening mixture of howls and shouting. A challenge to the Alpha was rare among packs, only a few of the elders had seen one.

Cecilia stood silent and unmoved by the reaction of the pack. Her eyes remained on Zachariah. After several loud, chaotic minutes had passed Oscar saw Cecilia roll her eyes.

"QUIET!" Cecilia's voice echoed around the clearing filled with power. An awed hush fell over the wolves. They all felt the woman's power. "What is your answer Ozmet. Do you accept my challenge?"

Zachariah sneered back at her; his teeth bared. "If you are so eager to die Lawson, I will be happy to oblige you."

Cecilia smirked at him and moved back to the edge of the circle towards Oscar. She opened her mind link to him.

I don't trust him to honor the rules Oscar be ready if his Betas decide to interfere.

Oscar nodded; he was prepared to fight with his Alpha. In an official challenge only the Alpha and the challenger could fight. They would battle as wolves while the pack stayed human, to help control their more animal instincts.

He looked across the clearing to where Zachariah was speaking quietly with his Betas. Oscar didn't trust him, but he also knew that Zachariah's pride was great, he wouldn't believe that Cecilia would bet him. Zachariah's Betas looked over at Oscar, they were fit men but not nearly Oscar's size or strength, he knew them well enough to know that going against both would take all he had.

Cecilia saw the direction of his gaze. He was surprised when she spoke out loud but knew she had her reasons.

"We cannot lose this Oscar. Franny has been talking to the other Omegas." Cecilia's eyes flicked towards the far back of the circle where Franny and 5 women and 4 men were huddled together. Some had intertwined their fingers, while others leaned against each other or had their arms draped around each other. A few pressed their foreheads together, all 10 were in some form of physical contact with another, comforting one another.

"Zachariah has forced all of them into sex more than once, except for Franny. Once he has had his fun for the night, he lets his Betas take a turn."

Oscar growled, he was finding it difficult not to shift and kill them. He knew the only reason Franny hadn't been subjected to this was because her father was the former Alpha and Franny lived in Cecilia and Oscar's house.

"How has no one heard about this?" He growled, he could sense the wolves around them, listening in and he realized why Cecilia had told him this out loud.

"They were afraid. They are Omegas, he is an unmated Alpha. They didn't think anyone would believe they weren't willing. Also, Zachariah could easily kill them. Apparently, the bruises he leaves are quite extensive but easy to hide. He sends them a hell of a fucking message."

Looking back at Franny, making eye contact with his mate, Oscar knew what would happen if they lost. Zachariah would kill them both and Franny would suffer more than anyone. Oscar looked back to Cecilia and saw the fury in her eyes, this was no longer about their Mates and their own lives but also about saving the pack from Zachariah.

"I think it's time you sent a message back.....Alpha."

Cecilia flashed a fierce grin at him, she took off her loose dress and shifted. She turned to face her enemy, Zachariah who was still in human form.

"If you submit now Lawson and let me mount you like the bitch you are, Ill forget about this little power play." Zachariah taunted, "I'll even let your pets live. Well just take care of that dirty mage and put a collar on that Rouge Beta of yours, teach him to heal like a good boy."

Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of West MountainWhere stories live. Discover now