Too Tired for This Shit

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"Did your sister find anything?" Cecilia and Asher stood just inside one of the bedrooms of the pack house. She didn't take her eyes off the activity in the room, watching carefully as the Water Sprite tried to assess the unconscious wolf on the bed while Carson hovered over them.

"Yes, Allegra went back to where he had first ran from her, she was extremely impressed by his speed by the way. 'That motherfucker must be part cheetah' where her exact words." Cecilia's eyes flicked towards the rambling Lion, her irritation at his impending rant evident. "Ahem... She found a sharp prong collar and some restraints that must have come off when he shifted. She was able to back track his trail for about 10 miles before it was too faded. We have a much clearer idea of where they are now. It might be time to start planning some form of siege."

"We still don't know everything we should, we need him to wake up. We need a better idea of who we are up against."

"I can help with that." Alistar's smooth voice cut into the conversation. He was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. His eyes had also not left the broken man on the bed.

"How so McCraigen?" Cecilia's eyebrows furrowed at the Mage who gestured toward Steffan.

"Those scars are very distinct. I know who left them and who he might have with him."

"Can't this wait Alpha?" Carson's voice was barely above a growl as he carefully reached out and traced the words carved into Steffan's pectoral.

Cecilia rubbed a hand down her face, she was too tired for all this shit. Shifting her attention to the Fae doctor she hoped to get an idea of the wolf's condition, even to just calm her Gamma.

"What can you tell us Doctor?"

The little Water Sprite looked around, raising a brow at the occupants of the room, their androgynous features displaying their irritation.

"The extent of damage is extreme. He has been starved, dehydrated, beaten, tortured, violated and expelled every small scrap of energy in his body. I'm honestly amazed he is not dead. This is an extraordinarily mentally strong Mixed Fae, Alpha, to survive all that. I doubt he will wake for at least a week. I would suggest having Doctor Owens on speed dial for when that happens, it might not be pretty." They pinched the bridge of their nose, "My assistant is coming with all the equipment I need to start fixing him, IV bags and the like."

Carson looked torn between crying and going on a bloody rampage. He wasn't sure which, so he just sat heavily on the edge of the bed, next to Steffan.

"Give us the room." Cecilia's eyes didn't leave Carson's back, but the other three occupants knew she means them and one by one they slowly exit.

Cecilia shuts the door quietly and feels a deep longing for her Mate. He would handle this better, he's more of the Luna and empathy is not her strongest trait. She feels it but struggles to express it. Hammer feels it almost too much, he did wallow in his own guilt for something he was barely a part of. He would know what to do.

Cecilia thought about their time at the Tower, when she told him about Briar Rose, he had given her an opening and just listened. She gave herself a little pep talk and went to sit next to Carson on the bed. He was holding one of Steffan's hands in his own, his eyes fixed to the wall in front of him. Cecilia rested her elbows on her knees and leaned onto them.

"Where's your head at Carson?"

The mocha skinned man just shrugged, unsure of how to put his chaotic emotions into words.

"It's a little bit of everywhere, Alpha. Confused, terrified, sad, guilty, a tiny bit elated, more guilt for feeling any form of happiness but mostly I'm furious and my wolf wants blood."

Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of West MountainWhere stories live. Discover now