Too Tired for This Shit

Start from the beginning

"You'll get it. I can promise that. Its time those Mages felt a firm Karmic bitch slap."

"What's going to happen with him?" Carson reached out and brushed his knuckles across Steffan's cheek.

"He's pack Carson, everything we've learned shows he wasn't part of Zachariah and Jake's bullshit. He's clearly loyal, look what he put himself through just to tell us Sampson is alive. Most importantly, he'll need a pack to heal, even if he doesn't think he'll need us, knowing his family has his back will help. We'll get him fixed up physically and when he wakes up, we'll get Dr. Owens in here."

Carson nodded knowing the psychiatrist would be necessary, who knows how Steffan would be when he woke up.

"I'm going to stay here for now Alpha. I'm not leaving him until we are ready to hunt Mages."

"I assumed as much." Cecilia stood and clasped Carson's shoulder, "Finding your mate is never as easy as you want it to be."

Leaving Carson to his thoughts Cecilia leaves the room shutting the door quietly behind her. She immediately runs into the Omegas... all 10 of them. Cecilia could see several carrying things like fresh sheets, clothes, one had a few jars that looked to be from Hammers shop. Holding back a chuckle at the nurturing habits of Omegas she raised an eyebrow and waited. Finally, Franny heaved a heavy sigh.

"They.....WE were wondering if we could take care of Steve. Clean him up, fresh clothes, sheets, things like that. We already asked the Doc, they said its cool."

"That's...." Cecilia was both surprised and not surprised, it was in their nature to care for people, but she didn't think they would help the former Beta. "Very generous of you all, considering."

"We owe him Alpha." A soft voice whispered, a tiny male Omega with white, blonde hair and warm chocolate eyes stepped forward. "He's done the same for all of us many times and taken our place more than once. He may not be an Omega, but he is one of us. He is our brother through trauma."

"You'll have to ask Carson. I may be the Alpha, but I won't give permission for you to touch his Mate." Several eyes widened, which was a little comical to Cecilia honestly, that many large doe eyes widened in shock.

"It's like a damn anime movie right now." Cecilia muttered. She looked at the Omegas, all huddled together, glancing towards the room she had just left. "Look, go ask, I'm sure Carson will appreciate the help."

Leaving them to their mission, Cecilia went to find Oscar and Asher. If she was being honest, the Omegas would do more good for Carson than Steffan, their pheromones would calm the Gamma and seeing his Mate clean and less unkempt might give him a more positive outlook.

She found her Beta and the Alpha Lion in the large dining room, the large map on the table in front of them. The two men were listening intently to one of Asher's sisters, the other five were scattered around the room, lounging casually. Alistar stood off to the side once again, he seemed to love leaning in the shadows.

Nine pairs of eyes snapped towards her when she walked into the room.

"Goddess, that is disconcerting." Cecilia said stopping short. "Well, let's get on with it. I'd like my Mate back sooner rather than later."

"Did you inform the council?"

"Yes, Oscar." Cecilia rolled her eyes, "The rest of the council will be here soon, I want to have all the information and the start of a plan before they get here."

It didn't take long for them to get a plan together. So, while the others talked amongst themselves Alistar pulled Cecilia outside.

"Alright McCraigen, tell me what you know." Cecilia leaned against the railing watching as Alistar lit a cigarette on a small flame he'd produced on the end of his finger.

"Their leader is a man named Francis. He's a sick, twisted son of a bitch."

"How do you know he's here?"

Alistar took a long drag of his cigarette before he pulled up his shirt and showed Cecilia his back. It was covered in scars similar to Steffan's.

"The cuts around his neck sealed it for me. Francis loves a prong collar. The man's a sadistic psychopath, not really my normal taste but when I realized how much he rambles while he plays." Alistar shrugged, his dark eyes haunted. "I was his toy for six months before I made my move to escape. I thought I had killed the fucker but no such luck."

"How will this affect our plans?"

"Not much, I would plan for more Mages, he likes an audience to his crazy. Francis is also the type to kill everyone, even his own men, to save his own life."

Alistar looked off into the trees, his eyes slightly unfocused while he thought. A look that reminded Cecilia painfully of Hammer.

"I have an idea; I'm just going to need a few hours to prepare what I need." Cecilia nodded, "I'm also going to need Hammers lab so let's find me a babysitter and I'll get to work."

Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of West MountainWhere stories live. Discover now