chapter four

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June felt nothing but a serene sense of peace as she followed Jett deeper into the woods , she was almost waiting for any feeling of uncertainty or fear that a girl should be overcome with in this situation

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June felt nothing but a serene sense of peace as she followed Jett deeper into the woods , she was almost waiting for any feeling of uncertainty or fear that a girl should be overcome with in this situation .

It didn't come .

Instead she hummed a light tune under her breath, content with watching the muscles in his back move back and forth as he stepped over fallen branches and rocks , grimacing down at her now brown muddy shoes that had been perfectly white when she had left .

It was quite between them for a few moments , Jett still stealing the occasional glance over at the smaller girl as if to assure himself that she was really there, that she wasn't just some image he had made up to comfort himself in these darkening hours .

He could feel the heat that radiated from her body whenever she stumbled and grabbed onto his back or bicep to keep herself from falling face down into the dirt .

He could faintly smell the sweet vanilla perfume she wore and hear the sound of the sweet little song she was singing to herself .

she seemed as though she was so at ease that it had began to make him uneasy .

This wasn't normal was it? she was a young girl following a man she had just met into the woods with the promise of seeing his handmade home .

He might as well have been hiding in the back of a white van , dangling some pretty candy in front of her face with the persuasion that more would come if she just got inside and followed along with his devious plan .

Don't scream . Don't cry . You can't run now. Lick your lollipop little girl , don't be so ungrateful now.

By rights , she should be long gone , running and screaming and positioning the police in his direction .

instead she was willing , more than willing actually . She was still engaging with him , encouraging him and even leading each conversation they had so far.

She was in control , whether he realised it or not . It unsettled him . He was so used to being the one who made the decisions , the one who scared people away without even a second glance .

He was just so used to it now that he barely batted a eye at the looks of distrust and disgust that were always sent his way .

So who the hell was this girl to throw him off his ways like this? He was almost angered by her, she was nobody to him . Yet she was already becoming everything . He could feel it . He hated it , hated himself for being so foolish and hopeful .

To rely on the thought that she would come , that she would answer and see what others refused to.

Yet something within himself was telling him to hold on , to go along with whatever game she was trying to play .

He could easily recognise the calculative way she assessed him when she thought he wasn't looking .

He recognised it from himself . She had the same cold , empty , yet sad look in her eye that he had always held.

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