chapter thirty five

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With a cup filled to the brim with every flavour of ice cream she could get , june trailed beside syd peacefully watching as a family passed them by , all giggles and smiles

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With a cup filled to the brim with every flavour of ice cream she could get , june trailed beside syd peacefully watching as a family passed them by , all giggles and smiles.

She frowned at there backs , lifting a scoop of ice cream briefly to her mouth and swallowing. "it's like living a lie here ." She mumbled to him moodily.

"there's two sides to everybody , good or bad . They all smile and pretend everything is fine but inside there stomachs are rotting and there souls are withered and black . Even the children ." She muttered , shoulder nudging against syd's as they walked over to the local park .

The sun was hot and bright that day and June could already feel her cheeks begin to burn . There were children everywhere she looked , her eyes catching onto all the different people around them .

Some just going around still sticking to there usual routine that they had been following for the last forty years , while the younger more rebellious youth pushed at each other with a smug grins and cigarettes in there hands , cursing out some name or another .

It was all so mundane and bland , like food without any salt . It was okay if you closed your eyes and blocked your nose but there was no taste and nothing to enjoy . Yes . A unseasoned steak is what she would compare this town to. Boring .

Syd widened his eyes at her "very optimistic June . Are you always so positive ?" He teased, amused by her permanent grumbles about life .

June only scoffed loudly , eyeing him with a petulant look on her face . "Of course ." She said "I'm only telling you what I see . Do you see something different ?" She asked him curiously .

He shrugged , swallowing down his bite of ice cream . "Not really . I mean I have lived here my whole life so I guess that all this-" he gestured around them,

"-is normal to me. I don't feel anything for it . Just numbness by now . There's no point in being angry over something you can't control anyway." He told her with a slight frown as he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her over to a cooler spot under a large willow tree at the edge of the park .

June pursed her lips in disappointment, bending down and throwing her shoulder bag from her body and onto the dry grass .

"Who's to say that you can't control it though ? You're the only person in charge of your life , you said so yourself Syd!" She exclaimed leaning her back against the tree behind her .

He tilted his head in agreement before nodding and kicking off his boots .

Sitting down he manoeuvred himself till his body was stretched out on the warm grass , then he laid his head down casually in June's lap . Both of the teenagers unaware of the dark pair of eyes furiously watching them from afar .

"I did say that." He agreed squinting his eyes up at her with a smirk "and if I recall you also told me I was broke . So there's the answer to your question yet again ." He said smugly.

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