Chapter twenty five

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June's groaned in annoyance as her phone continued to buzz on the dressing table as she sat crossed legged on the stool with a mascara wand already in her hand

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June's groaned in annoyance as her phone continued to buzz on the dressing table as she sat crossed legged on the stool with a mascara wand already in her hand .

The sky was a pretty pale blue and the clouds looked pictured perfect , june felt a sense of calmness wash over her body as she finished applying the mascara to her lashes before finally picking up the phone.

Her two day long silence was punishment enough. She thought vaguely amused as she brought the phone up to her ear lazily .

Cora's frantic and anxious voice immediately greeting her.

"June! God I am so sorry for what happened the other day ! Are you okay ? I've been calling you for ages!" She rambled  concerned , already afraid that she had lost her one chance for a friend like June , over a boy she had just met nonetheless .

She felt awful as she contemplated how left out and betrayed june must of felt when she had invited Lennon to there painting day without even telling her first .

June had gone out of her way to make Cora feel wanted and had happily suggested a little play date for them to share on the field and she had ruined it.

The guilt was keeping her up at night . The more calls and text that went unanswered made her feel even worse , she had been seconds away from walking over to June's house to apologise face to face .

She had missed her sarcastic friends insults and humour over these last two days .

It reminded her of how lonely she had been before June had arrived into her life and saved the day . She didn't want things to go back to how they were , she didn't want to lose June .

If it wasn't for the blonde then she wouldn't have even had the confidence to talk to Lennon and this was how she repays her ? She felt terrible.

Sighing loudly June carefully unscrewed her favourite lipstick with her free hand.

"My phone was off." She lied easily , lips twitching before she parted them slightly and began to carefully apply the deep red over them .

A content hum tickling her chest as she regarded herself in her reflection .

There seemed to be a new light in her eyes that wasn't there before , a spark of mischief that betrayed the thrumming excitement and happiness that had been washing over since she and syd had broke into Sarah's house .

She hadn't heard anything from her father about it , though she had seen the suspicious and wary looks he had gazed at her with when he thought she wasn't aware .

It made her feel whole again . She had felt like she had lost so much control over her life lately , her fathers behaviour had put her on edge and she hadn't liked it .

But she had fixed the quiver in her spine and straightened up . She wasn't going to let him be any steps ahead of her from now on .

She would do as she saw fit and getting rid of his new little girlfriend seemed like a great start .

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