Chapter twenty three

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By the time the sun had set June was thoroughly worn out and ready to crash

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By the time the sun had set June was thoroughly worn out and ready to crash .

Waving goodbye to Jett as he pulled away from outside her curb after dropping her home , a satisfied smirk on both of their lips as he kissed her goodnight .

She was feeling good , calm and sedated, barely even registering the strange black corvette car that was on her driveway behind her fathers .

Pausing on the doorstep as she looked back at it briefly with lowered brows .

Who's fucking car was that?

"Please not tonight." She groaned miserably up to the darkening sky , taking in a deep breath to gather herself before opening the front door .

Her sense were immediately hit with the smell of warm and spicy food , her nostrils flaring as she looked around at the spotless living room that had been a dump when she left .

Hesitantly walking out into the open , loud chattering voices greeted her ears as she froze in the arch of the kitchen .

Her eyes scanning the unwanted guests in front of her .

There was a tall honey blonde woman seated next to her father at the table with big brown eyes and a nice smile .

On the opposite side and starting right at her were two teenagers , a boy and a girl who's eyes grew wide at the sight of her disheveled hair and wrinkled shirt .

The one on the right had brown short hair close to his scalp with the same big eyes as the now silent woman who was staring nervously back at her .

And the one on the left had the same honey blonde hair but instead her eyes were a soft blue . A bright pink headband holding back her perfectly straightened hair and pretty pale dress.

Finally her eyes met her father and she couldn't stop the scowl from deepening on her face .

He looked anxious and more than annoyed at her . His fingers twitching around the napkin in his hand before he cleared his throat .

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