Chapter thirty seven

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Jett held onto her closely in the shower as soon as the sun rose up , beckoning her under the hot stream of water with a soft smile directed at her sleepy state

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Jett held onto her closely in the shower as soon as the sun rose up , beckoning her under the hot stream of water with a soft smile directed at her sleepy state .

She couldn't only yawn quietly at him in return making the older man let out a small chuckle , knowing that his June was not a early bird like he was . If she had her way , her days would begin after noon and no sooner than that .

If the birds were signing then it was far too early for her to be out of dreamland , she thought grumpily as she leant her cheek tiredly against his chest .

Letting him bear her full weight as she relaxed heavily against him , the water soothing over there muscle and creating a waterfall of warmth around them .

She felt rather than saw jett's hands begin to to slowly pull through her damp hair , easily untangling any knots as he began to hum quietly underneath his breath .

Listening to the sound of his calm heartbeat she let herself believe , that even just for a moment, that everything was going to be okay .

Lips pressed repeatedly against the side of her head as he gently glided his other hand down the ridges of her spine , her eyes falling closed in bliss .

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world ." He whispered to her , rocking them carefully from side to side like a little dance between the two of them .

June's lips curved , her already warm cheeks burning red as she rested her chin underneath his collarbone and looked up at him through her wet lashes.

His usually curly hair was now similar to a wet dog , the fake browns waves looked black under the weight of the water , curling around his stubbles cheeks and neck .

Reaching her hand up to his jaw she lightly scratched her nails over his beard making him hum happily . A amused giggle falling from between her lips as she stared up at him with eyes full of feeling .

"You say such nice things sometimes ." She replied slightly flustered , shyly averting her gaze down to the water droplets that were racing down his chest , over his navel before disappearing beneath there feet .

He smiled down at her in adoration , reaching over with his free hand to grab the bottle of coconut shampoo that he had bought just for these occasions.

Squirting a small amount into his palm he rubbed them together quickly before budging her shoulder to indicate for her to turn around .

She easily obeyed . Turning her body to face to the wall she let herself lean against his chest, her head tilted back as he began to lather the shampoo through her wet hair .

He was thorough with hands , massaging her scalp gently . A soft sigh of contentment escaping her .

"I meant it ." He murmured, grabbing his fingers over her shoulders before tilting her head further back till it fell under the stream of the water .

Almost HonestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang