A Bit Of A Problem

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Tony and Cap

Cap and Tony emerged from what was left of the lab. 

"Put on the suit?!" Cap yelled.

"Yeah," Tony agreed getting up.

Agent Romanoff

Agent Romanoff and Banner had fallen a long way down from the destroyed lab. 

"Romanoff?" Fury's voice spoke in her ear piece. "One of the engines have been blown up. Are you and Banner all right?"

"We're okay" Romanoff said shakily when Banner started to moan and bang his fist on the ground. "We're okay, right?"

Banner's skin turned a light shade of green as he started to grow. Romanoff attempted to get up before she realized that her foot was pinned under a large pipe which had fallen from the destroyed lab.

"Banner please," She said. "Stay calm and I swear we will get out of this. I swear on my life you will be able to walk away from this and you'll never have to come back! I swear! Just stay calm for me!"

That was the exact opposite of what Banner did.

Tony and Cap

Tony had just put on the suit and flown around the falling ship's engine. 

"Hey Cap," he said through his earpiece. "I might need your help with this one."

Cap was fighting his way through Loki's brainwashed minions to try and find the others.

"I'm a little busy right now," He said, hitting another agent in the face with his shield.

"Come on Cap," Tony said. "Help your brother out."

"Fine. I'm on my way." 

"Great! But it might help if you hurry. You know, since we're all plummeting to our deaths."

"Shut up, Stark."

Cap continued to fight his way through in order to help Stark fix the engine. 


Banner was almost fully green by now. Agent Romanoff was still trapped under the metal pipe. He was writhing on the ground, wailing because of the pain of turning into 'the other guy.' His body outgrew his clothes. For only a second he looked back at Romanoff.

"Banner?" She said in almost a whisper.

Banner gave one last roar before turning completely into The Hulk. The Hulk staggered around for a moment before punching a gas tank. Agent Romanoff tried again to get her foot out from under the pipe. After a final pull, her foot was free. As she was limping to what was left of the stairs, The Hulk noticed her attempt to leave. It howled at her and started to run towards her. Romanoff bolted up the staircase just before Hulk pulverized it. Hulk tore the floor from underneath her as she ran along the upper levels of the room. 

Loki heard the roars of The Hulk even from his cell. He knew his plan had succeeded and he gave a evil and insane grin at his wicked achievement.

Tony and Cap

Cap made in to the part of the ship that was destroyed. He couldn't see Tony anywhere.

"Stark, I'm here!" Cap yelled.

"Good," Tony said flying into view. "Let's see what we've got." 

He flew over to inspect a vital part of the ship. 

"I have to get this superconducting coolant system back online," Tony said to himself. "Before I can access the rotors, we need to work on dislodging the debris."

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