Tell Me

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Loki had not been expecting to see a woman. The voice from the suit of metal was clearly a man's. The body couldn't have belonged to a woman. She actually looked more like a young girl than a grown woman. From what he could see, the girl had had slightly curly bright red hair, very prominent cheekbones, and a pale complexion. A thin line of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.

Loki stared in wonder at the pale girl. He reached beneath her jaw to check her pulse. The pulse was there but faint. Loki's hand lingered on the girl's neck.

Suddenly, the girl stirred. Loki instantly retracted his hand and backed away. He stifled a gasp when the girl opened her eyes. She had the most beautiful emerald green eyes Loki had ever seen. She starred up at him for a moment before being the first one to speak.

"Hello," she said simply.

The girl got up and Loki heard a click. The girl's suit opened up and she started to walk out of it. Loki hadn't said anything the whole time. All he thought about was how beautiful she was.

"So," the girl said. "You don't need to tell me who you are; I already know that. However you don't know who I am."

Loki waited for her to tell him her name. When she didn't, he realized that this was her way of getting him to talk. 

"You can take those gloves off," Loki said. "I know your true gender now."

"No," She laughed. "I really don't think you want to...NO!"

She yanked her hands out of Loki's grasp. Loki threw up his arms in defense. If the girl didn't want to take off her gloves then he wouldn't make her. 

"Well," she said after a pause. "I suppose this introduction can't get any weirder.

Maria held out her hands. Loki carefully started to remove the black gloves. Loki's eyes widened when the skin of Maria's hands was revealed. Her hands were covered in hideous red scars. Her fingernails were black and misshapen. 

Loki looked back and forth between Maria and her hands. 

"There," Maria said, removing her hands from Loki's grasp. "Do you think I'm a horrible monster now? Most people do."

"No," Loki stated. "I think you're beautiful."

"Well, I do believe that's the first time someone has said that to me in a long time."

"There's a first time for everything."

Maria smiled and started to move around the room. 

"I suppose I should tell you why I'm here," Maria said, not looking at Loki.

"How about we start with your name," Loki suggested.

"My name. Well, that depends."

"On what?"

"If you want to talk, I'm Maria. If you want to be a dumbass, I'm Discord. And if you want to fight, I'm Number Five."

"I think I prefer the first option."

"Believe it or not, so do I."


Maria thought Loki was finished, but he wasn't.

"Maria..." Loki said in a voice full of what seemed to be affection, stopping Maria in her tracks. 

"I haven't heard someone say it like that in a long time," Maria said, finally looking at Loki.


"Yes. Not since..."

"Yes?" Loki prompted.

"Nothing. It's nothing of importance to you. And besides, I'm not here to talk about myself; I'm here to talk about you."

"May I ask why?"

"Just look out the window."

"Ah yes. You mortals are so uncooperative."

"You're trying to destroy our way of life."

"To improve it! Your existing way of life is flawed and must be fixed!"

"You and I both know that you don't really believe that."

"If you're trying to convince me to stop my mission, I'll tell you now that it won't work."

"Oh, I think it will if I give you the facts."

"I think I already have them."

"Do you? Or is that what he wants you to think?"


"You know the one I'm talking about," Maria said smoothly, tapping a finger to her temple. "I know he's in there. I know you don't want him to be. The question is, who is he?"

Loki didn't say anything, but instead paled and started to sweat.

"That's it," Maria coaxed. "I know you want him out. Tell him to leave."

"That's enough!" Loki yelled. "I don't know what you're doing, but stop!"

"I'm not doing anything. You're the one who wants him out; I'm just giving you the idea."

"I don't want the idea!"

"Fine," Maria sighed, raising her hands above her head. "We'll just talk."

"About what?"

"Your decision to invade Earth, your past life on Asgard, your relationship with your brother, your feelings. There's a lot we have to talk about."

"I still know nothing about you."

"'Nothing' is a strong word. You know my name, my topics of discussion, and my reasons for even being here. That's three more things that you know that most people don't."

"If you want me to tell you anything, tell me your story first."

"Very well. I'll tell you about my past in return for your cooperation."

"Shall we begin?"

"We shall."

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