⚓Captain Care⚓

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"Captain Jacob!!" Said a boy with sage eyes and brunette hair.
"What is it Bad?" Captain Jacob asked. "And we are supposed to be calling each other by our nicknames." Captain Jacob said correcting him.
"It just makes us look cooler."

"Oh right Captain Zelkam, I just made a unhealthy amount of (gluten-free)muffins today can I give some out for the rest of the crew?" Bad said showing him the box of freshly baked muffins.

"Are they chocolate chip?" Zelk asked suspiciously looking at the 'chocolate chips' in the muffins.

"Uh no Captain Zelkam their just regular blueberry muffins. Chocolate is pretty expensive around here." Bad answered

"Hm interesting..Well I'm not a huge fan of blueberries so you could sell them to help the ship to get some more upgrades. And besides me and Prince Clay are like the bestest of friends so he'll give me all of the chocolate muffins I need." Captain Zelkam said bragging a bit.

"Well you usually brag about how much money and riches you have because your friends with the prince.." Bad said.
"Can't you pay for the expenses of the ship?" Bad asked Zelk. "I always wanted to have my own ship and-" Bad said before being completely cut of and ignored by Zelk.

"No no! Of course I can't Darryl I have have more important things to do with the money." Zelkam said.

"More important than your own crew?" Bad asked.

"I won't answer that." Zelk said. "But it is very important. Don't you see those girls that are always by the boardwalk. If I tell them that I'm friends with Prince Clay and have mass amounts of money I'll get all of them in a flash!"

"Wait isn't that just using the prince for money, popularity, and...girls?" Bad asked.

"Why of course it is." Zelk answered "Those are the best 3 thing that could even happen to a man." Zelk sad
"You don't wanna end up like Tommy do you?" Zelk said in a slightly threatening voice.

"Wait, I heard a lot of rumors about him." Bad said. "But hes only 16 (18🥲) what could he possibly do to get himselfin that much trouble?" Bad asked Zelk

"Well other being 16 and being 10 times taller than you." Zelk said insulting Bad's height.

"Hey I'm not that short!" Bad said as he tried to defend himself.

"Yeah lol okay." Zelk said.
"Tommy is a bandit along with his two other friends Wilbur and Techno. He got caught trying to steal the king's crown and got sent to the deepest depths of the Kingdom and for his punishment is to be exiled from this Kingdom."

"Really doesn't that seem a little harsh hes only 16 (17) after all." Bad said.

"Yeah well it's better than being executed." Zelk said.

"Thats true." Bad said munching on one of the muffins in the box.

"And besides hes getting rich illegally while I'm getting rich by being a horrible person!" Zelk said proudly.
"Theres clearly a difference."

"Yeah..sure." Bad said sarcastically as he grabs the box of muffins about to take off.

"Well goodbye Captain! I'll just have to keep these muffins to myself while I figure out what I'm going to do with them."
Bad said before taking his leave.

"See you later noobie." Zelk said.


Bad was in a nearby bakery shop. He would always likes to go to helping out the old woman named Mrs. Dorothy is the owner in the shop. Even when he was child he would help the woman anyway he can. It started to be a everyday thing to him.

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