Unfinished continuations

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Forgive me but I am planing to discontinue this story. I'm not really in the DSMP fandom and didn't have much motivation. HOWEVER when i did have motivation I made a few unfinished parts and I will post them all here in order. The sunflower emojis means a new chapter have started/ended.


"...Don't tell me he's in..
The blue?!"

George shouted. Mega nodded in agreement.

"A wild asumption Mega, but I suppose it does make sense if he wants to escape his mother's BS." Harvey said

"But how would he even make it up there!?" George practically screamed.

"By swimming up?" Minx said
"I mean how do you think anyone could do it?"

"I suppose..." George sighed

"Minx, you've been up there do you think you'd know anything about it?"

"There is this one guy..but i rather not associate with the bastard again."

"Who? Tell us, then you go do whatever you'd like!"

"Schlatt. Im sure you heard of him after the whole fiasco of the prince going missing, but if he knows anything about the Blue and how to get there its him."



"Why?! This is for Zak!" George screamed.

"Holy sh!t you are dense, why do think I even care?"


"He scarred my arm."

"Schlatt look," Minx took over the conversation. "I owe em a favor for getting me out of that prison, so.."


"Name your price."

"That alcohol sh!t humans have. Get me a few bottles when your up there."

"Okay.. and do you happen to hold any potions with you?"

"I'm glad you asked... No I f^cking don't. Thanks to Flatty I'm all out."

"Theres a few behind you, I see it."

"Oh that? Stole that from a pile of dust earlier. I could make my own but that'll take a while."

"How long?"

"A while, if I'm lucky to get a good batch out."

"No one around sells it?"

"No one wants to go up in The Blue to get all the ingredients and wait a few years to make some."

"Then your f^cked.." Minx said to George

"I can however, shorten the process to roughly a few hours, but the potion will only last 30 minutes or less."
"And I'm fresh out of ingredients."

"Then we'll just get the ingredients ourselves." Minx said
"What do we need."

"A sh!t ton of human DNA, thats what."
"Cut off some hair or collect sh!t, anything works really."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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