Chapter 2 - Stay Out Of It

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As she turned the key in the front doors, Y/N took a short, shaky breath - it wasn't every day that a mob leader would give a common bartender a ride home. Was it so that she was safe, or did he have an ulterior motive? He'd already passed his proposition to her, so what more could he need from her? And then again, was it REALLY to make sure she got home safe, or something more sinister?

Y/N slowly turned around to face the dimly lit street, a matte black Chevrolet Camaro SS was parked under a streetlamp - its engine humming quietly, and the TH on the license plate made Y/N very aware that its engine was running for HER. Taking another shaky breath, she hastily made her way towards the passenger side door, which was suddenly pushed open from the inside - a slender hand grasping the indoor handle. "Are you getting in or are you just going to stare at my hand?" Tom snarked, once again carrying the ghost of a smirk on his lips. She lowered herself into the seat and closed the door behind her, before pausing and turning to Tom, as if he was waiting for something.

"Seatbelts are important, darling." he stated avoiding her gaze, and Y/N rushed to grasp the material before clicking it into place. "I doubt you need my address considering there's a car coming to pick me up in less than 9 hours." Toms head whipped round at her matter-of-fact tone and for the first time tonight she held harsh eye contact with him, trying to show she was unfazed by his notorious glare. Tom huffed and took a hand off the steering wheel, making her freeze, before he placed it on the gear stick, kicking the car into gear.

The drive was quiet, and something much more than incredibly tense. Not a single word was spoken for the first 10 minutes, before Tom cleared his throat. "I have no doubt you're wondering why I told you I'd drive you home," he spared a glance at Y/N before pausing to turn at an intersection "The city isn't safe for women like you. Most of the time. But definitely not at night." She cocked an eyebrow at him, urging him to tell her why. "You're an incredibly good looking woman, in the nicest way possible. I'm not trying to come off as vulgar," pausing to lick his lips before he continued "Something could happen to you." Y/N glanced at Tom, surprised at his sudden concern, but allowed him to carry on. "I don't think I could've forgiven myself if I'd left with the lads tonight and found out something had happened. You shouldn't be walking around the city at night. Are you stupid or just stubborn?" Ah. There it is. She thought, of course the sincerity wouldn't last long. Though she'd only known him a mere few hours, she'd already learnt enough to know that Tom wasn't the caring type.

She wondered if he had a partner, a wife, any friends outside of the mob, but she was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of Tom piping up again "You could answer me now about my proposal. I'd rather know sooner than later, but there's no rush. If not, the offer of the 9am car still stands." Y/N glanced at him again, taking in his side profile, the sharpness of his jaw, the stray curl that once again fell across his forehead, and the rogue eyebrow that seemed entirely untamed compared to the other. She took in his nose, that had obviously been broken before - she wondered if it was to do with the mob or by accident, before moving to his thin lips that always seemed tight - like they were milliseconds away from falling into a grimace.

"It's rude to stare and not answer my question, Miss Y/L/N." She snapped her eyes back up to Toms face, he was actually smirking now, the first positive emotion she'd seen on his face since they met. "Sorry, Mr. Holland-" "Tom." She tilted her head in confusion before he continued "Tom. Call me Tom. Mr.Holland is for clients and lower members of the mob. You are neither." Something flashed across his eyes at the last sentence before he cleared his throat and averted his eyes. "So?"

Y/N stared at him for another few seconds, chewing on her lip, before she finally spoke up again "I would like to try? A trial, if you will. I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into before I rely on you to pay my bills, Mr-, Tom." She cringed at the use of his formal name, just seconds after he told her not to. He noticed either way, and bit back another smirk before replying, "If you would like, I can wait outside while you pick up a few things from your apartment and you can come with me to my home. There'll be no need for you to rely on me to pay your bills, Miss Y/L/N, if you take up my offer you'd be staying with me."

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