Chapter 22 - I Won't Believe In Love Anymore.

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Scarlet flooded the steps, a walkway coated in red, a light rustle following as she descended.

The clink of glasses could be heard from below, followed by low voices and small bursts of chuckles.

The click of her heels echoed on the mahogany below her feet, rhythmic in her stride - and her rings made a soft noise as her hand glided down the bannister.

A bittersweet scent followed her as she passed - not that anyone would notice, for she was alone.

Her anklet jingled against the buckle on her heel, almost sounding like the soft twinkle of a jingle bell.

The hand on her right left the rail as it moved to ghost over the holster on her thigh, her nails scraping over the metal of the blades strapped within it - and her left hand ghosted to the other, running over the barrel of her gun.

Never would Y/N have thought she'd be floating down the staircase of a mansion in a dress made for a princess, weapons hiding beneath the glittering fabric, on New Years Eve - but here she was.

Even though it had only been 3 months, her life had changed so drastically that sometimes she had to pinch herself to check it wasn't all a dream.

Everything that was happening and had happened seemed so unbelievably surreal to her - it was almost as if she was living inside one of the many books that littered her bookshelves.

Standing in the foyer of the grand house, listening to the distant voices floating in from the back garden - Y/N smoothed out her dress, taking a deep breath. 

Sure, she'd worn elegant dresses before, and they were all with Tom, but this dress was unlike any other

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Sure, she'd worn elegant dresses before, and they were all with Tom, but this dress was unlike any other. She knew that Tom had helped pick it out himself, and she had no doubt that Bev had her fair share in the choice too.

A shaky breath left her burgundy painted lips - which made her worry again about smudging the pristine makeup that she'd spent so long applying. 

One night. She just wanted one night to have fun, to be in love. For nothing to happen. She just wanted Tom to relax, to have one carefree night where he could dance with his lover and closest friends and not have to watch his back.

Maybe tonight would be that night. Maybe a successfully calm night at the start of a new year would be their sign that everything was going to be okay.

Making her way around the staircase and towards the back of the house, Y/N took a step onto the patio - her heels causing much too loud of a click.


Raising her head with a blush on her face, Y/N locked eyes with Harrison - who stared back whilst violently shaking Toms arm, suit jacket in his grip.

A mildly confused Tom turned, laying eyes upon his lover as if it was the first time he'd ever seen her. She looked beautiful. 

He had once told her that she looked other-worldly, but that night didn't even come close to compare to the sight that lay before him right now.

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