An Update - For If You Don't Follow!

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Still having writers block issues - work is a lot, I quit smoking & drinking, haven't really seen any of my friends in MONTHS so my social life is dead in the water and it sucks, and I'm trying to eat healthier and I'm super exhausted because of all of it so my brain is just Error 404'ing.

I'm gonna try and get some stuff done today and over this week, and after I clean my flat this weekend (and see another human being that isn't my boyfriend for the first time in like 6 months lol) I'm gonna try and get some stuff out so please bear with me (again. sorry.)

As I've always said, I'll never stop writing IGYS without putting out a heads up - I guess it's kinda been on hiatus for the last few months? But just because I never want to put anything mediocre out because that's not what I'm about!! I'm sick of thinking about all my ideas and not being able to write!

P.S I read all your comments, and all your messages - I think about this book every day and I'm always so grateful for all the love. Thank you for sticking with me.

FYI - if you want to keep up to date with anything going on, drop me a follow as I won't be posting updates as chapters anymore so I don't get your hopes up that there's a new chapter out! All updates will be posts on my profile :)

All my love,Red x

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