24 🌙 Happy now

Start from the beginning

"Nha, I h-h-have class and I still need to catch up on what I missed so f-f-far. Another time." I shook my head while taking off the rest of my clothes. "Where is he by t-the way? He missed practice. I needed my left winger." I frowned, also grabbing a towel to head for the shower.

"That's what happens if you're a total simp for a girl called Grace. He preferred taking her out for breakfast, told coach he was sick." He laughed, shaking his head as if he didn't approve, before walking towards a shower booth, sliding the curtain behind him.

"You know it's c-c-cute though, Levi and Grace." I smiled, taking the shower cabin next to him.

"Yeah well, not for me." He spit while his voice was being smothered by water running over his face and the fact he denied it so hard made me laugh.

"Shut up Ez. You wouldn't h-h-have made a move o-o-o-on Sophia if you didn't want to have c-c-c-cute little cozy breakfasts with her." I chuckled, while by now a stream of hot water was making my toes come back to life.

At my words he crazily snorted and I felt a typical Ezra comment come my way. "Only after hooking up with her all night and a post-game blowy that shit's acceptable." He said, but all I heard was talk and lies.

"Yeah yeah, I'm c-c-calling your bluff Ez." I shook my head under the stream of water making my hair lay flat against my forehead.

"Dude! She doesn't want anything to do with me. It's a lost cause, so why waste my time? I'm an emotional guy, believe it or not ... But as soon as I start to care for some girl I get left on read, or they just move on like it's nothing. Ghosting is real you know. Women are evil sometimes, and that...my friend... is why I prefer random hookups. You know, no whiny argument, no rules, no strings, not having to bring breakfast in bed or buy her flowers and that shit." He ranted, his arguments strong, but his voice weak and indecisive. If anybody, he was trying to convince himself.

"And you b-b-b-believe yourself." I asked him, instantly noticing the silence and hesitation coming from his cubicle.

He nervously scraped his throat before speaking again. "What's up between you and Luna?"

"Don't change the s-s-subject Ez." I laughed.

"Don't avoid the question Ju." He laughed too, but he wasn't kidding. Shit, how am I going to explain this. The other guys on the team might hear and rat about it to Zander. I rather keep my teeth.

"Maybe it's n-n-n-not smart to say that out l-loud...here." I closed the faucet, and grabbed my towel while Ez was clearly still enjoying his hot shower. I draped the towel around my hips while making my way into the locker-room to change into some comfortable sweats and a hoodie. My hair was still damp and wet, and I was running my towel through it when Ezra reappeared from the showers in his boxers.

"So, you and Luna." He whispered, while sitting down next to me, not so low-key nudging me with his elbow... Again.

I sighed because by the look on his face he was just going to ask me until I got sick of him. "I l-l-like her." I involuntarily smiled at the thought of her. "More t-than l-like maybe... but... it's complicated." My smile faded quickly.

"Complicated?" Ez raised one of his brows before pulling his shirt over his head. "That's just another word for you're scared." He smirked, knowing he was right. Sure I'm scared, a little, I don't know. I like her so much that it doesn't seem real.

I tried to divert my focus to the laces of my shoes, tying them slowly because my thoughts couldn't handle thinking about it and lacing my shoes at the same time. I sighed, dropping the laces to face Ezra again, now fully clothed. "You know, she j-j-just broke up with Zander, l-l-l-ike yesterday..."

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