30🌙 You want some?

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Luna Larsson

Once inside the house, I not only never let go of his hand, but also made sure I walked in front him at all times, while remnants of our kiss swirled through my mind. With his free hand he occasionally spread his fingers across my lower back in the most divine and exciting way and I would look back to throw him a promising smirk. As soon as we reached everyone they were still playing flip a cup, Sophia now incredibly drunk looking, her eyes hooded while she watched Grace and Levi play, however no sign of Ezra.

"Hey, you okay?" I raised my voice as I leaned into the wall next to Soho, letting go of Jules's hand, but not without already missing his touch. He went to cheer on Levi as he tried to beat Grace, for sure though he was going to let her win, considering the knight he is.

"Sure." Sophia said sarcastically, slurring her way through it. "How was your make out session with Jules." She turned her head towards me with a grin.

I nudged her shoulder with mine. "What makes you think that?" I smile sheepishly, before turning my gaze towards Jules, watching his every move and finding him cuter with every second. Look at him... That smile, those eyes... Ugh those eyes I just can't stop staring at them, it gives me tingles even thinking about doing that. His frame, and the way his hair falls... How he's so caring and sweet, yet so fucking hot and sexy when wants to, especially when he bites his lip of pushes his hand through his hair. Just everything about him is perfect. Oh god, I think have feelings for him... Feeling? Luna you freaking like h-

"Hey." An elbow poking my side pulled my gaze and so my thoughts back to Sophia. "Did you even hear what I said." She laughed before smirking at me when she knew I didn't hear a single thing, not one bit. She shook her head. "I said... Your cheeks are flushed, your lips all puffy and he's accidentally wearing your cap. Oh... And and and... The way you look at him like you want to eat the guy." She nodded towards him, which made me have another look at the guy I wanted to desperately give everything to. Eat is a strong word, but taste him, yes.

"Okay okay." I held my hands up to her. "So yeah we did kiss, and now I have a big problem." I widened my eyes.

She waited with anticipation. "What?"

I looked at him while I spoke, watching him put his hand on Levi's shoulder to say something to him, his sentence ending in a face wide smile. He looked away, our gazes instantly drawn to each other, his smile not fading one second as he bit his bottom lip the moment he caught me stare. Damn you butterflies, Damn you Martin for making me dizzy. "Now I can't get enough of him." I whispered and heard Sophia chuckle, the sound of it happy, just like I was.

"Well, at least one of us is floating on the love cloud." She laughed loudly, just like a typical Soho laugh would sound.

I turned my face back towards Sophia before making more eye contact with Jules would make my cheeks go glow in the dark kind of pink. "Talking about love, where's Ezra?" I wiggled my brows at her, but my words were welcomed with a scoff.

"That asshole, really let me win you know. We played two more times, and he completely beat me at it. Out of misery I drank all of the shots anyway. Look at me I'm pissed."

"Pissed as in angry, or as in drunk?" I quickly said, watching her roll her eyes endlessly.

"Both." She said annoyed, raising one eyebrow before taking a sip from her soda. Good thing you're doing soda now before accidents happen.

"Where is he though?" I frowned, looking around to see his head pop up somewhere, without success.

I earned myself another drunken scoff. "Probably making out with some random puck bunny..." She took a big gulp, pretending she was shoving down some more booze to forget.

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