Forgotten sorrows

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I stand there waiting behind the curtain,

My shoulders heavy from this burden.

Excitement palpable in the air,

Walking on stage with out a care.

Hit the first pose, kick the first kick.

I lean forward into an illusion, a silent trick.

I step and leap, jump and twirl.

Prancing around in my dress, a little girl.

Run off stage silent tears.

Forgot the dance these were my fears.

To ashamed I hide my face

I don't deserve to be at this place.

I gather my bags, sorrows forgotten.

Grab all my costumes made from cotton.

Take my bags, I'm out the door

I don't have to worry no more.

I turn, smiling as I wave.

Leaving the thing I most crave

I will leave, I will not return.

Leaving the thing I yearn.

Secrets for WordsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora